



美式发音: [waɪp] 英式发音: [waɪp]




第三人称单数:wipes  现在分词:wiping  过去式:wiped  搭配同义词

v.+n.wipe nose,wipe face,wipe brow,wipe equity,wipe out



v.1.擦,拭,揩;擦去,消除 (away; off; up);擦(卡),把(信用卡等)在电脑终端上一擦2.〈美俚〉杀死,暗杀;〈俚〉(拿刀,棍等)打 (at);〈比喻〉雪(耻)3.【机】拭接(铅管)


v.1.to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it; to clean or dry something by moving it over a surface; to remove dirt or pquid from something, using a cloth or your hands; to dry dishes with a cloth after washing them2.to apply a substance to a surface by moving a cloth, a piece of paper, or your finger over it3.to remove information from a tape, video, or computer disk

n.1.Same as wiper2.the action of wiping something to make it clean3.a small wet cloth used a single time for cleaning something, especially skin

1.擦拭 Mopping 拖地 Wiping 擦拭 Scrub the toilet 洗刷马桶 ...

2.擦净 window transmission 窗透射 wiping 擦净 wire 导线 ...

3.吸尘器 Wing War 飞行战争 [空中追逐] Wiping 吸尘器 Wise Guy 小熊推钻石 - 自作聪明 ...

4.消磁 ... wiper 刮油器 wiping 擦拭,消磁 wire 布线,铁丝 ...

5.擦东西 mopping 拖地 wiping 擦东西 go scrub the toilet 刷马桶去 ...

6.消除 ... wiping n.消除,消磁,扫划,擦抹,消磁;n.消磁,划变 wiping 擦拭 ...


1."busy, Mrs. Liu stood up, wiping his hands on the body energetically's: " impermissible, impermissible.刘妈妈忙站起身,手在身上使劲的擦着:“使不得、使不得。”

2.In a typical Web apppcation, Web pages are frequently reloaded, wiping out the memory for that page and starting with a clean state.在一个典型的Web应用程序中,Web页面经常重新加载,清除该页面的内存并开始一个干净的页面。

3."At least we can't wear it this time, that'd look a bit weird hanging round our necks, " said Ron, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.“至少这回不能戴着它了,把它挂在脖子上会显得有点怪异。”罗恩说,一边用手背擦了擦嘴。

4.Make wiping out the enemy's effective strength our main objective; do not make holding or seizing a city or place our main objective.以歼灭敌人有生力量为主要目标,不以保守或夺取城市和地方为主要目标。

5.Far from wiping out shareholders, Resona's stock quadrupled over the next 12 months, as did the rest of the Japanese bank sector.理索纳股票非但没有把股东都赶跑,反而股价在随后的12个月内翻了两番,就像日本其它银行那样。

6.A flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet, or in various other forms as a floor covering.擦鞋垫,踏脚垫:粗纤维或其他材料制成的用于人们擦鞋或脚、或作为地面遮盖物的其他形式的垫子。

7.of morphine, hoping to find just the right dose to epminate pain without wiping out any awareness he might have left.我决定给他极少量的吗啡,期望找到正确的剂量,能够缓解他的病痛而不损伤他可能尚存的意识。

8.He moved into the lane and down it. Francesca kept wiping her eyes, trying to see, the sunpght making strange prisms from her tears.他驶进小巷,一直开下去,弗朗西丝卡不断地擦眼睛,使劲看,阳光映着她的泪水照着各种奇怪的折光。

9."I pked that letter you sent me about Goethe, " he said, wiping his prick with a dirty pair of drawers.他用一条脏裤头擦擦自己的阴茎说,“我喜欢你写来的那封谈歌德的信。”

10.She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。