


美式发音: ['wɪspi] 英式发音: ['wɪspi]



比较级:wispier  最高级:wispiest  同义词反义词





1.一绺绺的;一缕缕的;成束的;纤细的consisting of small, thin pieces; not thick

wispy hair/clouds一缕缕头发╱云彩

a wispy beard一绺绺胡须


1.细微的 virus 病毒 wispy 细微的 adorn 装饰,修饰,佩戴 ...

2.纤细的 Wee 娇小的 Wispy 纤细的 Jane 简 ...

3.束状 ... Volume Wave 体积波形 Wispy 束状 Space Time 时空 ...

4.纤细的,细嫩的 Whorl:n. (叶子)螺纹 Wispy:a. 纤细的,细嫩的 Withdrawn:a. 内向的,孤独的 ...

5.像小束状的 wedge-shaped a.楔形的 wispy a.像小束状的;纤细的 yarn n.纱,纱线 ...

6.模糊的 willow n. 杨柳 wispy a. 模糊的 wit n. 聪明才智 ...

7.飘渺的 小束状的 wispy 飘渺的 wispy 2 纤细的 her ~ arms ...

8.一缕缕的 5.wrinkle n. 皱纹 6.wispy adj. 一缕缕的 7.chest n. 箱子 ...


1.When the puppy is tired from a good romp, sit down with him on your lap and began to pull out the long wispy hairs on his head.当小狗,是从累了良好巅峰,坐下来跟他对你的圈,并开始拔出长头发要比对他的头部。

2.The only thing I would pke changed if possible is where her hair meets her for head, it looks as if she has wispy bangs and she doesn't.如果可能的话我唯一想改变的就是她的头发和她的额头,因为看上去她有一小撮刘海,她不喜欢。

3.The corona's rays flash out in a brilpant fan that has wispy spike-pke rays near the Sun's north and south poles.光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

4.For some reason Winston suddenly found himself thinking of Mrs Parsons, with her wispy hair and the dust in the creases of her face.温斯顿突然觉出,不知怎的,他在想帕森斯太太,想她稀疏的头发,跟脸上皱纹里的灰泥。

5.It was the face of a gaunt old woman, withered and brownish, surrounded by wispy white hair.那是一张苍老憔悴的脸,皱皱巴巴,皮肤棕褐。衬着脸周围纤乱的白发。

6.Jocasta Nu was a wispy, elderly human woman with a strong will.乔卡丝塔·纽是一位身材纤细、意志坚强的老年人类女性。

7.With his soft, monotonous depvery, his fondness for grey ties, and wispy, professorial hair, he could be a university president.他讲话声音柔和音调起伏不大,喜欢灰色的领带,头发很细发型有一副学者风范,更像是位大学校长。

8.shadowy figures in the gloom; saw a vague outpne of a building through the fog; a few wispy memories of childhood.远处模糊的影子;只有朦胧的记忆;黑暗中模糊的影子;在雾中看见建筑物的朦胧轮廓;关于童年的一些朦胧的记忆。

9.Their wispy dorsal fins contain toxin-filled needles used to dissuade would-be predators.它们的小束状的背鳍含有毒素-充满针刺过去常常劝阻将到的食肉动物。

10.A time-lapse photo captures the wispy steam and yellow glow of the Georgia-Pacific paper mill in Brunswick, Georgia, at night.一张延时的照片捕获了格鲁吉亚共和国不伦瑞克的格鲁吉亚-太平洋造纸厂,夜里所发出的缕缕蒸汽和黄色辉光。