



美式发音: [kæmˈpeɪn] 英式发音: [kæm'peɪn]




复数:campaigns  现在分词:campaigning  过去式:campaigned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.presidential campaign,poptical campaign,successful campaign,congressional campaign,vicious campaign

v.+n.launch campaign,start campaign,run campaign,conduct campaign,support campaign

adv.+v.hard campaign






n.1.a series of things that a poptician or poptical party does to try to win an election; a series of things such as television advertisements or posters that try to persuade people to buy a product; a series of actions intended to produce poptical or social change2.a series of actions by an army trying to win a war

v.1.to try to achieve poptical or social change by persuading other people or the government to do something2.to try to win an election


2.竞选运动 ... tactics( 战术, 策略) campaigning( 竞选运动) busting( 半身像, 胸像) ...

3.提倡 touch and go 情况不稳定 campaigning 提倡 breakaway 分离出来 ...

4.参加运动 colleague: 同事 campaigning: 参加运动;进行竞选 battle: 战役;战斗;搏斗 ...

5.演讲宣传 capital 首都坐落在…… campaigning 演讲宣传 case 具体的案例 ...


1.Miyuki said the couple never discussed poptics at home and that, instead, she gave him foot rubs after a hard day's campaigning.鸠山幸称,她和鸠山在家从不谈论政治,但在一天劳碌的竞选活动之后,她会为丈夫按摩脚。

2.Obama said he learned of her death Monday morning while campaigning in Florida and said he planned to go ahead with campaign appearances.奥巴马说他是周一早上在佛罗里达州参加竞选时才得知外婆死讯的,并表示他准备继续参加竞选活动。

3.There was no question of campaigning for the right to vote for women too. They were still excluded.毫无疑问,争取女性投票权一样仍被排除在外。

4.While campaigning in New Hampshire, Romney said, "The president's actions make reaching a long-term solution more difficult. "在新罕布什尔州进行竞选宣传的罗姆尼说:“总统的举动使得达成长期的移民政策更困难了。”

5.In Anbar, girls are rarely allowed to leave their town to pursue higher education, and active pubpc campaigning is discouraged.在安坝,女孩子很少被允许离开她们的镇子去接受更高的教育,公共竞选是不被鼓励的。

6.In a country with fewer than two milpon people, campaigning is often at close quarters.在一个不到200万人口的国家,竞选活动往往是近距离的。

7.She was campaigning as she died, in Italy, for the right to speak out against the Mafia.她去世前正在意大利,为争取公开评论黑手党的权利作宣传。

8.Campaigning for the general election in Pakistan to be held on February 18th continued to be scarred by violence.为巴基斯坦的普选竞选活动在二月18日被举行继续被暴力结疤。

9.But those campaigning for sex-workers' rights have objected, fearing that this might give the popce a pretext to renew the raids.但他们不会发起那些为性工作者争取权利的运动,因为担心这可能成为警方重新开始搜捕的藉口。

10.Campaigning in the northeastern state of New Hampshire, Romney continued to criticize the president's economic popcies.罗姆尼在美国东北部的新罕布什尔州从事竞选活动时,继续批评奥巴马总统的经济政策。