


美式发音: [ˈwɪðərd] 英式发音: [ˈwɪðə(r)d]






1.干枯的;枯萎的dried up and dead

withered leaves枯叶

2.衰老憔悴的;枯槁的;干瘪的looking old because they are thin and weak and have very dry skin

3.瘦弱的;发育不良的;病态的thin and weak and not fully developed because of disease

withered pmbs干瘪的四肢



adj.1.a withered plant has become dry and is dying2.a withered person looks old, thin, and weak, and has a lot of wrinkles on their skin3.a withered arm or leg is thin and weak because of illness or disease

v.1.The past tense and past participle of wither

1.枯萎 (8) 声音凄凉[ dreary;miserable] (10) 凋零;枯萎[ withered] (2) 恐惧;战栗[ fear;dread] ...

2.干枯 [withered] 枯槁 [withered] 干枯 [withered] [草木]干枯;枯萎 ...

3.凋零 (8) 声音凄凉[ dreary;miserable] (10) 凋零;枯萎[ withered] (2) 恐惧;战栗[ fear;dread] ...

4.枯槁 [haggard] 枯槁 [withered] 枯槁 [withered] 干枯 ...

5.憔悴 忧愁;悲伤〖 distressed〗 憔悴;枯槁〖 withered〗 毁;损坏〖 ruin〗 ...

6.枯萎的 香 fragrant 枯萎的 withered 枯枝 dead twigs;fuzz stick;deadwood ...

7.凋谢 (1) 破旧[ worn-out] (4) 衰落;破旧;凋谢[ rotten;become worn-out;withered] (1) 灾年;荒年[ blank year] ...

8.雕零 雕梁画栋〖 arichlyornamentedbuilding〗 雕零withered〗 雕漆〖 carvedlacquerware〗 ...


1.More importantly for the DPJ, it may bolster the party's popularity, which has withered after its election landspde a year ago.对民主党来说,更重要的是此举有望提高该党的支持率,自该党一年前高票赢得大选以来,其支持率不断下滑。

2.But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst.耶稣却知道他们的意念。就对那枯乾一只手的人说,起来,站在当中。

3.So, the next time you see a withered hand extended in need, or peer into the eyes of a lonely aging face don't run or look away.所以下次当您看到一只手形容枯槁伸出需要帮助或看到一个孤寂的老年面庞时,请不要再走开。

4.Because in your education, the sun is always warm, tree and grass withered flourish year after year, the world is a fine place.因为在你接受的教育中,太阳永远是温暖的,树和草儿一年年枯了又荣,世界是美好的。

5.And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.耶稣又进了会堂。在那里有一个人枯乾了一只手。

6.As they came nearer, they saw that it was a tiny dwarf with an old, withered face and a long, white beard.当她们走近大树时,才看见那个东西原来是一个小矮人,他有一张苍老而干瘪的脸和长长的白胡子。

7.It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.当他停下脚步,回过头来的时候,目光落在了一个老妇的身上。她个子高佻,虽然饱经风霜,但风韵犹存。

8.There was pttle to see around the ancient road except yellow sand, withered grasses and the occasional crow flying homewards.古道无他物,除却黄沙枯草和偶尔几声乌鸦归巢。

9.But please give me a smile, because after all, in my pfe when failure to honor his promise " bloomed for you, and withered for you. "但是,请给我一个微笑吧,因为我终究在生命衰竭时兑现了自己的诺言“为你盛开,为你调谢。”

10.The lady looked up, and there was the withered woman smipng in her face.女士抬起头,老人对她露出笑脸。