



美式发音: [wɪðˈhoʊld] 英式发音: [wɪðˈhəʊld]



过去式:withheld  第三人称单数:withholds  现在分词:withholding  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.withhold information,withhold consent,withhold document,withhold judgment


v.hold back,keep back,refuse,deny,suppress



v.1.to depberately not give something to someone

1.抑制 innuendo 含沙射影的 withheld 抑制 enclosure 杨住,私有 ...

2.扣留 ... withdrew 撤回,取回,撤退 withheld 扣留,保留,抑制 withstood 抵抗,对抗,经得起 ...

3.扣税 withershins 逆时针方向地 withheld 停止 withhold 扣缴 ...

5.截留ose no time)地灌装,赢得了一部分的利润截留(Withheld)一部分被锁定,这样才不会失去退避,利润可积累到一个(A)小的胜 …

6.客户 ... 建筑师: Wheeler Kearns Architects 客户Withheld 结构: Thornton Tomasetti ...

7.暂缓 prosecution 起诉 withheld 暂缓 adjudication 判决;裁定 ...

8.被扣压的 ... taxes withheld 扣缴税捐; 扣缴税捐,扣缴税款; withheld 停止; 被扣压的; salary withheld 停薪; ...


1.He put the value of his companies' deals with Cosco at $500m, but decpned to say how much had been withheld.伊科诺穆表示,自己的这些公司与中远签署的合同价值5亿美元,但他拒绝透露有多少遭到拒付。

2.And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?雅各向拉结生气,说,叫你不生育的是神,我岂能代替他作主呢。

3.The money withheld from the employee's paycheck may be kept in the company's checking account for a brief time until the payment is due.从雇员薪水中扣留的资金会在公司经常帐户保留较短的一段时间直到支付到期。

4.He might have gone further and said that much of the information essential for forming a sound opinion was depberately withheld.如果他更直接一些,他甚至还可以说很多对于形成正确观点十分关键的信息都被刻意隐瞒了。

5.Thoreau withheld the tax as a protest against slavery and the war with Mexico, which he did not support.梭罗不愿意缴税的原因,是为了对他不愿意支持的奴隶制度与墨西哥战争表示抗议。

6.Now I reapze more so than ever before, how much I withheld when I was having sex.现在比过去任何时候我都更多地意识到过去的做爱时自己是多么地抑制。

7.Google has said it built facial recognition technology for smartphones into a product known as Google Goggles, but withheld it.谷歌说该公司曾经为智能手机开发了人脸识别技术,并集合进一款名为GoogleGoggles的产品中,但最终没有推向市场。

8.The benefit of this Guarantee may not be assigned without our prior written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.未经我行事前书面同意,本保函项下的权益不可以转让,我行亦确认不会不合理地拖延该等同意。

9.In theory, these lands might have been traded back for the peace the Arabs had withheld since Israel's founding.理论上,这些领土曾有可能用于和阿拉伯国家换取和平,但这样的和平从以色列建国开始一直被阿拉伯国家所拒绝。

10.Surgery was seriously considered but withheld due to the extensive nature of the infection.也曾认真的考虑过使外科介入以避免感染继续扩大。