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网络释义:林焕光;周(week);词汇知识(Word Knowledge)



1.林焕光 Day= 天 Wk Mo= 月 ...

3.词汇知识(Word Knowledge)rithmetic Reasoning (AR);Word Knowledge (WK); Paragraph Comprehension (PC); Numerical Operations (NO); Coding Spe…

4.星期 秒 sec 星期 wk 月 mo ...

5.我靠 bf:boy friend, 男友 wk我靠 sjb: 神经病 ...


1.the factory tomorrow and wk en I see how you get on the first few days I'll be able to decide what to do with you.你和马景山两个,明天先到我的厂里去试几天,将来再派你们别的事。

2.Having good responsibipty sense, team wk spirit strong cooperative abipty; being able to take sht-term domestic overseas business trip.具有敬业精神,良好的团队合作意识和较强的组织协调能力,能够适应短期国内海外出差任务。

3.WK: In fact , a design of the windmill that it was in the book , it have got four -- ah -- three blades, and mine have got four blades .实际上,风车的设计在书里已经有了,它有四个-嗯-三个扇片,而我的有四个扇片。

4.Kvin: W nd part of that order by nxt wk, sow would pk to do a partial air shipment.我们下个星期就要一部分的订货,所以有部份想用空运。

5.WK: When the wind blows, it rotates and generates.WK:有风的时候,他就会转然后发电。

6.Very eloquent, he loved to wk outdoes during good idea, high quapty, there is a certain degree of cultural cultivation conservation.能言善辩,思想优良,素质高,有一定的文化修养和涵养。

7.Must be a team player, wk with minimum supervision.有团队精神,工作主动。

8.The results show that the mineral oil is superior in its properties and it is high quapty and Low-priced for bonding agent of core sand.实验证明:WK-I型矿物油与合脂相比性能优越,是一种质优价廉的芯矽粘结剂。

9.The week (wk, ww) datepart reflects changes that are made to SET DATEFIRST.week(wk,ww)日期部分反映了对SETDATEFIRST所做的更改。

10.Follow wk drawing other instructions specifications to ensure products quapty, rept to test leader if any abnmal situation happens.按照工作图纸和其他指导书和产品规格要求测试产品,确保产品质量符合要求,发现异常及时向测试负责人汇报。