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1.里奇 Rita 丽塔 Ritchie 里齐 Rebecca 丽贝卡 ...

6.眼光敏锐 ... Richard 严峻 Ritchie 眼光敏锐 Robert 光辉名声 ...

7.年轻的 哈姆雷特 Hamlet 年轻的 Ritchie 麦克白 Macbeth ...


1.Ritchie's running joke was that C had "the power of assembly language and the convenience of . . . assembly language. "关于里奇一直流传的一个笑话是:C语言同时拥有了“汇编语言的强大能力以及…汇编语言的便利性”。

2.After receiving a bachelor's degree, however, he decided, with typical modesty, that he was "not smart enough to be a physicist" .然而在得到学士学位之后,Ritchie以他特有的谦虚谨慎认定自己“想要成为一个物理学家还不够聪明”。

3.In July, Madonna's brother said he bepeved she was committed to her marriage to Ritchie.今年7月,麦当娜的弟弟克利斯多佛•斯康纳表示,他相信姐姐是忠于里奇的。

4.The roughly one year it takes to grow a game from concept to game-room floor starts with a schematic design pke this one from Ritchie.在大约一年需要增加一个从概念游戏,游戏室楼始于这样一个由里奇方案设计。

5.Mr Ritchie, too, was briefly on the Pentagon's payroll, at Sandia National Laboratory. He did not stay long, though.在桑迪亚国家实验室的Ritchie的名字曾出现在五角大楼的薪水册上,但也没呆上多久。

6.Ritchie had been quoted by a British newspaper last month saying their separation was "never, ever about the money" .上个月某英国报纸曾摘选了里奇的话,称他们的离婚“没有、根本不是钱的问题。”

7.After months of speculation , Madonna has announced her separation from her film-maker husband Guy Ritchie.经过了数月的慎重考虑,麦当娜宣布与她的电影制作老公盖·里奇分道扬镳。

8.Ritchie suffers from the same problem; none of his later movies can really compare to Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.盖•里奇也面临着同样的问题,他的后期作品没有一部能够比得上《两杆大烟枪》。

9.The best tip came from Edward Ritchie, an investment analyst in London.最佳建议来自伦敦的一位投资分析师爱德华·里奇(EdwardRitchie)。

10.How Madonna and Ritchie share custody of the children is unclear.目前尚不清楚麦当娜和里奇如何分担孩子的抚养权。