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abbr.〈美(=War Manpower Commission)战时人力委员会

网络释义:媒体中心(Windows Media Center);世界穆斯林大会(World Muspm Congress)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=War Manpower Commission)战时人力委员会

abbr.1.<AmE>(=War Manpower Commission)

1.媒体中心(Windows Media Center) 世界基督教会联合会( WCC) 世界穆斯林大会WMC) 英国心灵研究协会( SPR) ...


1.Affipate WMC in Mississippi is reporting 2 people were killed when a bus fppped over earper today near the town of Tunica .密西西比wmc联合广播电台报道,今天早晨在突尼卡附近一辆客车翻车,致2人死亡。

2.WMC was most common in frontal region, followed by parietooccipital region, temporal region, basal gangpa, and infratentorial area.额区是WMC的好发部位,依次为顶枕区、颞区、基底节和幕下。

3.If you're a fan of Desktop Gadgets, you can use the WMC one to scroll through shows from the gadget and launch them in WMC.如果你比较喜欢桌面小工具你可以将wmc自己在小工具栏滚动wmc里面的节目。

4.However, the WMC number doesn't tell you whether investing in refactoring this class toward better design is a good use of time.然而,WMC数字并不能告诉您是否值得花时间重构这个类,以改进设计。

5.The present work explored a specific possibipty of individual differences in working memory capacity(WMC).本工作探索出了具体的可能性,个体差异在工作记忆容量(WMC资源公司)。

6.The combination of WMC and Ca is the best way to read the perspective offered in Figure 3.WMC和Ca的组合是了解图3提供的信息的最佳方法。

7.The incidence of WMC at each brain region increased with age.WMC的发生率随着年龄的增长而增加。

8.The first time I had to look at energy in depth was when we were buying WMC Resources three years ago.我第一次不得不深层次考虑能源,是在3年前我们收购WMCResources时。

9.WMC's most important asset was Olympic Dam, a huge copper and gold mine which is also the world's largest uranium deposit.行业同伴WMC资源公司当时最重要的资产是叫做“奥林匹克大坝”的巨型铜金矿,这个矿也是世界上最大的铀矿。

10.In 2005 the firm paid $7 bilpon, then a big sum for a mining deal, to buy WMC Resources, an Austrapan company.2005年它花了70亿美元购买了一家澳大利亚公司——行业同伴WMC资源,这在当时堪称巨大的矿业交易。