


美式发音: [wəuk] 英式发音: [wəuk]



过去式:waked waked  过去式:woken  第三人称单数:wakes  现在分词:waking  单数:wake  搭配同义词

v.+n.wake morning,come wake

n.wake island



n.1.the track that appears in the water behind a moving boat2.a meeting of friends and relations before or after a funeral to remember the person who has died

v.1.to stop sleeping; to make someone stop sleeping

1.醒 woeful 悲伤的 woke 的过去式(分词); wold 荒原,山地 ...

2.醒来 (忘记)- --forgot---forgotten, (醒来)- --woke---woken, (唤醒)- --awoke---awoken, ...

3.醒来变成 ... (我在,我是)变为“ I was” (醒来)变成woke” (玩笑)或“ playing…

4.up醒来 PIXNET:::XOXO 拉贝... PIXNET:::WOKE 都会时... PIXNET:::SIGMA 时... ...

6.的过去式 woeful 悲伤的 woke 的过去式(分词);醒 wold 荒原,山地 ...

7.尾涡区 wind tunnel 风洞 woke 尾涡区 work 功 ...


1.Today, I woke up from sleeping at my friends house with a bunch of other people, with my waist long hair cut into chunks on my pillow. FML.今天我醒来时发现睡在朋友家里,旁边还有一堆人,我原来长到腰的头发被剪得乱糟糟地丢在枕头上。FML。

2.He woke with a start. He reapzed it had just been a dream.他突然惊醒,才发觉刚才是在梦中。

3.It's as if I woke them up to my presence.仿佛我让他们注意到了我的存在。

4.When she went to bed, she woke up again to see the china doll on her bedside table, singing the same eerie song.当她上床睡觉,她才再次看到中国的洋娃娃放在旁边的桌子上,唱着同样的奇怪的歌。

5.The night brought snow and we woke up the next day to see a caravan of yaks and Tibetan pilgrims passing by on the snow dusted trail.那晚下雪了,我们第二天早上醒来,就看见了牦牛大篷车和西藏朝圣者穿过雪地的痕迹。

6.The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh woke up; it had been a dream.这细弱的穗子吞了那七个又肥大又饱满的穗子。法老醒了,不料是个梦。

7."When I woke up from surgery I said, This was a big mistake, " she said.“从手术中醒来的时候,我想,我真犯了个大错了。”她说。

8.When I was walking back through the door, she woke up, thought I was a burglar, and threw the closest thing to her at me.当我回到家以后,我老婆以为我是个入室的小偷,随手就拿了个东西砸过来。

9.And I woke up in a blur and was tied up, hurt, adrenapne scorching inside, as it raced through my veins.我醒来,在一片模糊,被捆绑起来,伤害,肾上腺素灼人内,因为它通过我的血管比赛。

10.After a while she woke up to find what I was doing. She gazed at me, and ten minutes later tears flooded her face.后来她醒了,醒后的她盯着我看,10分钟后,我突然发现她泪流满面。