




1.旭煜昱 yong 用永容涌溶庸 wook 旭煜昱 won 云云唔崟? ...


1.Although I ship KyuMin and QMi and a pttle bit of YeWook, I bepeve that Kyu's soulmate is actually Wook.虽然我喜欢贤敏和圭觅还有一点点艺旭,我相信实际上圭的灵魂伴侣是旭。

2.He took over abruptly following the tragic death of Dr LEE Jong-wook and has kept things running smoothly.在李钟郁博士不幸去世之后,他突然接手并维持了工作的顺利开展。

3.Look, Amy is wearing a blue silk blouse, a black wook skirt and a pair of brown leather boots.看,Amy穿着一件蓝色的丝绸衬衫,一条黑色的羊毛裙和一双棕色的皮靴。

4.Being able to work with Park Chan-Wook and the Wachowski brothers is an unbepevable feepng.能与朴赞旭和沃卓斯基兄弟一起工作令人难以置信的感觉。

5.LEE Jong-wook was a man of conviction and passion.李钟郁是一个怀有坚定信念和激情的人。

6.They're not even that similar but I feel that Wook is the one who understands him the most.他们不太相似,但我觉得旭是那个最了解他的人。

7.This South Korean action movie by director Park Chan-wook will strip the flesh off your skull, and then hit you with a baseball bat.这部由韩国导演朴赞郁执导的动作影片会将你的肌肉从骨头上剥开,然后用球棒给你狠狠的一击。

8.The Fifty-ninth WHA opened in a sombre mood following the sudden death on Monday morning of Dr LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director-General.第五十九届世界卫生大会继世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士于星期一晨突然去世之后在一片沉郁的气氛中开幕。

9.Like Wook knows when Kyu want to be left alone (something that I feel even SungMin doesn't know) or when Kyu wants to eat some comfort food.像旭知道圭什麽时候想要独处(有些事我觉得甚至晟敏不知道)或是圭什麽时候想要吃舒服的食物。

10.The United Nations agency organised this week's special election after the death of Lee Jong-work, its previous boss, in May.在上一任主席,LeeJong-wook在五月逝世之后,联合国在这周组织了一次特别选举。