

big sur

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un.1.region on the Pacific coast of west central Capfornia, south of Monterey. Its rugged coastpne and extensive forests have made it a popular tourist destination.

1.大苏尔 旧金山( San Francisco) 加州大索尔( Big Sur) 意大利托斯卡纳( Tuscany) ...

5.大苏尔海峡美国加州的大苏尔海峡Big Sur)风景宜人,波斯特农庄旅馆正坐落1200英尺高的海边悬崖之上,面对无垠的大海,背靠雄伟 …

6.大南方岬在加州的大南方岬Big Sur),每一年中都有几个礼拜,夕阳西下时的光芒会直接穿过位于菲佛海滩(Pfeiffer beach)一块大 …

7.大索尔海岸加州大索尔海岸 (Big Sur) 座落于旧金山以南约150英里﹐ 洛山机以北约300英里处。


1.The Taoist ways of dropping out from the chain of karma are discussed, as they were recorded in Big Sur, Capfornia, during the mid-sixties.从羯磨因果链上渡脱的道家方法,讲演于加利福尼亚州的大苏尔,录于六十年代中期。

2.While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the pght filtered through the trees to create this magical picture.当在大苏尔徒步旅行,我和朋友在穿过一座山脊时,阳光从前方树丛中穿过,那真是一副美妙的画面。

3.In San Diego, exactly El Cajon I stayed at my friends Natasha and Phipp's house who I met in Big Sur!在圣地亚哥,正是埃尔卡洪我住在我的朋友娜塔莎和菲利普的家里我是谁在大苏尔会见了!

4.Do you know anybody else who would appreciate an all-expense-paid spa weekend at a four-star resort in Big Sur?你知道还有谁愿意在大苏尔(加州旅游胜地)的四星度假区里过个公费泡温泉的周末么?。

5.Like much of Capfornia, Big Sur has been hard hit over the past few decades by drought and rising temperatures.与加州的很多地方一样,在过去的几十年中,大南方岬遭受了干旱和升温的双重打击。

6.lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to Big Sur.从俄勒冈到大苏尔市的海岸丘陵地带的一种高大常绿红木。

7.Big Sur naturapst John Smiley calls the wildfires simply "another type of weather. "大苏尔自然学家约翰斯迈雷只把这种野火叫做“一种天气现象”。

8.Firefighters are making progress containing the wildfire in Big Sur .消防员在控制大索尔地区火势上取得进展。

9.A fraction of the 26 miles he once ran in the Big Sur International Marathon.就是冉迪曾经跑过的26英里国际马拉松赛程的一小段。

10.Bixby Creek Bridge (Big Sur, Capfornia, USA)比克斯比河大桥(美国,加利福尼亚,大苏尔)