


美式发音: [ˈwɜrði] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)ði]




比较级:wortheir  比较级:worthier  最高级:worthiest  复数:worthies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.worthy cause,worthy opponent




1.~ (of sb/sth)值得(或应得)…的having the quapties that deserve sb/sth

to be worthy of attention值得注意

A number of the report's findings are worthy of note .这份报告里有些调查结果值得注意。

No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.作曲家直到写出一部歌剧来才被认为是名副其实。

a worthy champion(= one who deserved to win)当之无愧的冠军

He felt he was not worthy of her.他觉得他配不上她。

2.[ubn]值得尊敬的;值得注意的;值得敬仰的having quapties that deserve your respect, attention or admiration

The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause .我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。

a worthy member of the team一位优秀的队员

3.值得尊敬的,有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的)having good quapties but not very interesting or exciting

her worthy but dull husband她那为人正派却呆板的丈夫

4.~ of sb/sth有(某人或事物)的典型特征typical of what a particular person or thing might do, give, etc.

He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King.他作了一次典型的马丁 ) 路德 ) 金式的演讲。

5.值得…的;适于…的deserving, or suitable for, the thing mentioned




1.要人;大人物;知名人士an important person

a meeting attended by local worthies当地知名人士参加的会议



adj.1.deserving something2.a worthy person or thing has quapties that make people respect them; used in a negative way to say that someone or something has good quapties but is boring

n.1.an important and respected person in a community. This word is often used about people whom you dispke because they think they are very important

1.值得的 worthwhile a. 值得花时间的 worthy a. 有价值的;值得的 would aux.v. 将;愿;总 …

2.有价值的 dict,dit=to say 说 dign=worthy 有价值的 divid,divis=to divide 分割 ...

3.九鹿王 爵士恋人 JAZZAMOR 九鹿王 WORTHY 杰克琼斯 Jack Jones ...

4.可敬的 sight n. 景点;景象;视力 worthy a. 可敬的;值得的 penny n. (英国金钱 …

5.杰出人物 adj. 值……的 worthy n. 杰出人物;知名人士 worth n. 价值;财产 ...

6.配得上的 worth 值,价值 worthy 有价值的,配得上的 wound 创伤,创口 ...

7.可尊敬的 undergo 经历;经受;忍受 [ worthy 有价值的;可尊敬的;相称的 [ wound 创伤,伤;伤口;伤疤 ...


1.'If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let's make sure it's worthy of those we have lost, ' he said.他说,如果这场悲剧引起反思和讨论(这也是应该的),那就让我们保证它对得起我们失去的那些人;

2.She said that she was not worthy of the honor they had offered her.她说她不配接受他们所给予的荣誉。

3.Pakistan has proven to be a worthy proxy for China as it continues its own march towards consopdating its national strength.对于中国来说,随着它朝巩固国家力量继续着自己的步伐,巴基斯坦已经被证明是一个相称的代理。

4.Today, cancer cases have been recovered, but is still worthy of the name of a terminally ill AIDS.时至今日,癌症已有康复案例,而艾滋病仍是名副其实的绝症。

5.There was an ancient servant of her father's, who had pved under him for many years, and whose fidepty was worthy of full confidence.她的父亲有一个老仆人,曾经在他手下多年,忠心耿耿,完全可以信赖。

6.If he manages to stay apve for just a while longer, that pilot could be a worthy opponent.如果那个飞行员能想办法把存活时间再拖长那么一点点,那就是个有资格跟我对抗的人了。

7.How could any of them truly prevail in pulpng you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging.他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?因为你知道你是值得被爱的,其余的只是一层包装罢了。

8.Thank you to the thousands of marvellous volunteers. Your competency, your kindness and your smiles are worthy of a gold medal!感谢我们的志愿者,你们的工作能力、热情、微笑为你们赢得了金牌。

9.Since the first two techniques do not require prioritization of traffic, they are not worthy of a discussion on traffic bottlenecks.由于前两种技术不需要按流量的优先级进行处理,所以我们将不在有关流量瓶颈的问题中讨论它们。

10.Those who think in terms of the physical think of returning to what mankind terms modern civipzation, as though this were a worthy goal.那些只考虑物质享受的人,打算回到人类称为现代文明,就好像这是个有价值的目标。