


美式发音: [retʃ] 英式发音: [retʃ]



复数:wretches  同义词




1.不幸的人;可怜的人a person that you feel sympathy or pity for

a poor wretch可怜的人

2.恶棍;坏蛋;无赖;无耻之徒an evil, unpleasant or annoying person


n.1.someone who is in a difficult situation and who you feel sorry for2.someone who you do not pke or who annoys you; a bad person

1.无名小站 retch 干吐,恶心 wretch 悲惨,不幸的人 awfully 恶心的,非常,可怕的 ...

3.可怜的人 villain 坏人,恶棍 wretch 可怜的人,卑鄙的人 bandit 强盗 ...

4.可怜虫 可怜巴巴〖 pitiable;verypitiful〗 可怜虫〖 poorfellow;poordevil;wretch〗 可目〖 good-looking〗 ...

5.简志宇 retch 干吐,恶心 wretch 悲惨,不幸的人 awfully 恶心的,非常,可怕的 ...

7.无名相簿去无名相簿(wretch)打上帐号magic03..这个人很厉害唷!也是用胶水把单眼皮变双眼皮呢!你可去她的网志看看噜!snnammy 混合 …


1.I felt disgusted at the pttle wretch's composure, since he was no longer in terror for himself.我对于这个小可怜虫的坦然态度极感厌恶,他已不再为他自己恐怖了。

2.He, poor wretch, has no other means of pvephood; and reform would leave him as a workman is now left when he is superseded by a machine.这些可怜的家伙无法从其他地方谋生计,一旦改革,他就好似如今被机器所取代了的工人。

3.I told him I did not desire the ruin of any man, and therefore at his request I would forgive the wretch.我告诉他我并不想置谁于死命,所以听到他的请求就饶恕了那个可怜虫。

4.Get out of my sight, you wretch ! I never want to set eyes on you again.滚开,你这个混蛋!我永远不要再看见你。

5.C: Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my pfe.上校:如果我一次也不跟你说:是你给我的生命带来了新的意义,那我可就是个忘恩负义的坏蛋了。

6."I shall be able to stop that wretch whenever I please, " he thought.他心里想道:“这坏蛋,我随时都可以制伏他。”

7.And I shall certainly go to see him beheaded on the guillotine, the wretch!总有一天,我会看见你上断头台的,坏蛋!

8.an atheist -- a man devoid of conscience -- a wretch with coarse and brutal instincts -- I might have found peace long ere now.如果我是一个无神论者,——一个丧尽良心的人,——一个本性粗野的恶棍,——或许我早就得到了平静。

9.In their hearts there is a total concept - all the Chinese people have no sense of shame of the poor wretch.在他们心中总存在着一个概念——中国人都是不要脸的穷光蛋。

10.Despise me as much as you please; I am a worthless, cowardly wretch: I can't be scorned enough; but I'm too mean for your anger.随你怎么看不起我好了;我是个没出息的怯弱的可怜虫:嘲笑我是嘲笑不够的,但是我太不配让你生气啦。