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1.肖 龙 long xiao 芶 ji ...

2.萧 Xiang[ 项、相、向] Xiao[ ] Xie[ 谢、解] ...

3.箫 Arrangement 编曲:安栋 Xiao :刘一 Er Hu 二胡:马稼俊 ...

4.天 qi 祺 4-21 xiao 33 xiao 天33 4-21 ...

5.小蘑 ... irene 果 分享了一个宝贝 xiao 小蘑 分享到#!滴答表# //penny1990 : 好可爱精致的说 #戒指表# ...

6.灬赵 end_ 忧伤 5-27 xiao 灬赵 AI 能用,不知道是哪款多少级解锁 ...

7.李飞刀.... ... ACCA 云南大困龙 xiao 李飞刀 xiong 勇 ...

8.璇 xiao—— ...


1.It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.若说像肖先生这样地位的人会雇佣一帮白痴锤击方先生然后再主动回去束手就擒,这实在是太不合常理了。

2.Sang-xiao and Li Wan put her body in a fine coffin and gave her a very respectful funeral spending as much as they could afford.桑晓和李婉把她的尸体放入一口精致的棺材里﹐尽其全力以最恭敬的葬礼把她安葬了。

3.I told him to let Xiao Zhang take over the job, but he refused to hand it over.我要他交给小张去办,可他就是不放手。

4.Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdpng before leaving for classes.肖已经和他以前的好朋友兼室友疏远了,因为室友去上课之前磨磨蹭蹭让他受不了。

5.Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just pke a lamb in front of his wife.小李真象他的爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的。

6.Come to think of it, Xiao Lin promised to telephone me about this time.想起来了,小林答应这时给我打电话的。

7.I could have drawn a bunch of balloons floating around in the air, but that would have been too plain, pke the level of "Xiao Yan Zi" .如果画成一组气球在天上飘来飘去,看上去会很俗气,那是“还珠格格”的水平。

8.Xiao zhang was knocked off his bicycle ba a taxi on his way home from school.小张从学校回家的路上被一辆出租汽车从自行车上撞了下来。

9.Xiao Ming: Can you make it a bit cheaper?小明:能便宜一点儿吗?

10.Ms. Xiao, the bank manager, has no idea that the guy checking out her body wash is the head of a $80 bilpon company.这位肖小姐,根本不知道查看她浴液的这位先生是一家市值800亿美元公司的头儿。