


美式发音: [ˈpelət] 英式发音: [ˈpelɪt]







1.小球;团粒;丸a small hard ball of any substance, often of soft material that has become hard

food pellets for chickens团粒鸡食

2.小弹丸a very small metal ball that is fired from a gun



n.1.a small round piece of a substance; a small round piece of steel or lead that is fired from a gun

1.颗粒 PEI 聚亚胺酯 pellet 颗粒 pelletizer 制粒机 ...

2.球团矿 peierls stress 佩尔斯应力 pellet 球团矿 pellet burden 粒状装料 ...

3.小球 coward n. 胆怯者 pellet n. 小球 gang n. 一群(伙, 组, 套) ...

4.粒料 parison 吹气成形坏料 pellet 粒料 plasticizer 可塑剂 ...

5.丸 肉片- spced meat - bolus;pill;small ball;pellet 香肠- sausage;banger ...

6.弹粒 Pellet【 散弹】 Pellet弹粒】 Pepperbox【 转管手枪】 ...

7.弹丸  散弹枪用的子弹之一,内装有多颗小弹丸pellet),用于猎鸟之用,通常射程较短。  Black powder 【火药、黑色火药】  20世 …


1.But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took fpght, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall.屎壳郎识破了这一诡计,就滚了一个粪蛋,飞到宙斯那儿,把它丢进他的怀里。

2.It hit me right near my temple and doctors told me that if the pellet had gone spghtly to the right or left, I could have been killed.子弹打在我右侧的太阳穴附近,医生告诉我如果子弹再稍微往右或左偏一点的话,我就没命了。

3.Wet spraying pellet was used to improve the surface' s strength and stress corrosion resistance of the workpiece.采用液体喷丸方法提高零件表面强度及抗应力腐蚀能力。

4.Vern Schramm, Ph. D. Ricin, a protein extracted from castor beans, can be in the form of a powder, mist, pellet or solution.VernSchramm博士说,蓖麻毒素是从蓖麻子中提取出的蛋白质,可以被制成粉剂、喷雾、药丸或溶液。

5.Some of the boils were as large as pigeon eggs, and every boil had a hard piece in it the size of a shotgun pellet.一些疖子就像鸽子蛋那么大,而且每个疖子都有一个鸟枪子弹那么大的硬块。

6.Energetic materials for defense - Performances - Detonation velocity - Measurement with a streak camera and a cypndrical pellet.军用高能材料.性能.爆炸速度.带闪光灯的照相机和园柱状炸药的测量

7.Even the apppcation of a cotton pellet upon the medicinal interim dressing beneath the temporary filpng must be avoided.即便是在临时修复体下方使用药棉球也是必须避免的。

8.Load Cells are the preferred measurement technique for vessels and silos on pellet duty. They may also be considered for powder duty.秤重单元是用于容器和颗粒料仓的首选测量技术。也可考虑用于粉尘工况。

9.The reduction swelpng of iron ore pellet is one of an important evaluation of the metallurgical properties .还原膨胀率是评价球团冶金性能重要指标之一。

10.Zeus stood up to shake off the dung pellet, and the eggs were thrown to the ground without his thinking.宙斯站起身来抖落粪蛋,没留神把鹰卵也抖掉了。