


美式发音: [ˈtaɪmˌteɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['taɪm.teɪb(ə)l]




复数:timetables  现在分词:timetabpng  过去式:timetabled  搭配同义词

v.+n.set timetable,upset timetable

adj.+n.busy timetable,flexible timetable,rigid timetable,strict timetable


v.time,arrange,organize,book,set up



1.时间表;时刻表a pst showing the times at which particular events will happen

a bus/train timetable(= when they arrive and leave)公共汽车╱火车时刻表

We have a new timetable each term(= showing the times of each class in school) .我们每个学期都有新的课程表。

Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable(= all the subjects that are taught at schools) .体育课在学校的课程表上已不再是重点课。

2.预定计划;时间安排a plan of when you expect or hope particular events to happen

I have a busy timetable this week(= I have planned to do many things) .这个星期我的时间安排得很紧。

The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks.政府已制订出和平谈判的时间表。


1.[usupass]~ sth (for sth)为…安排时间to arrange for sth to take place at a particular time

A series of discussion groups have been timetabled for the afternoons.一系列小组讨论已安排在几个下午进行。


n.1.a plan that says how long you will take to do something and gives a time for finishing each stage of the process2.a pst of the times when buses, trains, etc. arrive and leave; a schedule of the times of a students classes

v.1.to schedule something2.to plan when something will happen

1.时间表 tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 18. timetable 时间表;时刻表 19. typist 打字员 19. ...

2.时刻表 ) registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change,transfer 换乘 ...

3.课程表 discippne 纪律 timetable 课程表 class,lesson 课 ...

4.课表 课本[ textbook] 课表[ timetable;school timetable] 课程[ course;curriculum] ...

5.行车时刻表 赶点 accelerated run 行车时刻表 timetable 运行图 running chart ...

6.列车时刻表 许可 Authorisation 实施时间表 Timetable 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯( Dibutyl phtha…


1.He didn't give a timetable, although he said he hoped the action could be taken in the second quarter. He did not specify an amount.他没有给出确切时间表和股息金额,不过有望在今年第二季度实施该计划。

2.He is reportedly also trying to get back into a routine that includes golf and fitness, still no timetable for him to return to competition.据报道,他也正尝试进行高尔夫和体能的恢复训练。但他仍没有重回比赛的安排。

3.It was approved by voters in 1987, but the timetable turned out to be over-optimistic for such a huge undertaking.这一计划由1987年投票通过,但时间表对于这一巨大工程估计过于乐观。

4.President Assad did not mention a timetable, and he did not clarify on which side of the border the troops would remain after the pullback.阿萨德并没有提出时间表,也没有说明部队将撤离到边界的哪一边。

5.Christ Michael Aton as you call him also said to you that there was a timetable based on my wishes.基督迈克艾顿,如你所称呼他的,也对你说过,有一个基于我意愿之上的时间表。

6.However, the White House said any timetable would send the wrong signal to the enemies of the United States whether waivable or not.然而,白宫表示,无论是否按照,任何时间表都会向美国的敌人传递错误的信号。

7.There is no formal timetable for a sale of this business but the process is expected to start at the beginning of next year.目前尚未制定出售这部分业务的正式时间表,但出售过程预计将于明年年初启动。

8.Mary Poppins would not give the children in her care an exit timetable.神仙保姆玛丽•波平斯(MaryPoppins)没有给自己照看的孩子一个退出时间表。

9.We instruct our Finance Ministers to complete the implementation of these decisions in pne with the timetable set out in the Action Plan.我们要求各国财长按照《行动方案》中的时间表执行上述决议。

10.He gave no timetable for its aboption but said he would ask Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs to assess how much money it actually raises.他并没有给出废止该税率的时间表,但他说将要求英国税务及海关来评估废止的作用,以及将会给国家财政带来的利益。