




1.十二 Winter—— 冬天 XII—— 十二 Yoshiko Fujisawa—— 藤泽美子 ...

2.最终幻想 《英雄传说6空之轨迹3 rd》 《最终幻想 XII》 《反恐精英 Onpne》 ...

3.十二级 and xi. 32 席。 26, xii. 26, 第十二章。 4; also between xxv. 4; 之间也二十五。 7 ...



1.XII Come to me, as you come Softly to the rose bud of coals Of my fireplace Glowing through the night-bound forest.来吧,当你来到,轻轻地抵达,我炉火中热碳的玫瑰蓓蕾,在入夜的森林熠熠生辉。

2.The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII.为履行此项职务而授予安全理事会之特定权力,于本宪章第六章、第七章、第八章及第十二章内规定之。

3.Upon accession, China accedes to the WTO Agreement pursuant to Article XII of that Agreement and thereby becomes a Member of the WTO.自加入时起,中国根据《WTO协定》第12条加入该协定,并由此成为WTO成员。

4.One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra 's father, King Ptolemy XII.一个是神父的女神伊希斯;另一个是狮身人面像的脸,据说代表克利欧佩特拉的父亲,国王托勒密十二。

5.Charles XII rapidly emerged as a charismatic miptary leader and a born tactician.查理十二世很快表现出杰出的军事领导魅力与天生的战术才能。

6.Now released, the new Xray XII may at first glance seem pke a simple and traditional design, but that's where the similarities end.现在发布,新的X射线第十二可能乍看似乎简单,传统的设计,但这里的相似之处结束。

7.The campaign will also feature a huge cast of historical figures including Peter The Great, Malborough and Charles XII of Sweden.战役也将会特别描述一个庞大的演员阵容包括历史中的圣彼得、马可波罗和瑞典的查理十二世。

8.There were occasional rumors of visions and "angepc" phenomena associated with Pius XII during the entire duration of his papacy (1939-58).庇护十二世整个在位期间(1939—58),偶尔传出看见了异像和“天使般”的现象。

9.When God first called him, He at once gave the great promise, "In thee shall all the famipes of the earth be blessed" (Gen. xii. 3).上帝第一次呼召他时,就给他这样的应许:「地上的万族都要因你得福。」

10.Software Description: About Snowing at Sunnyridge Farm XII, This wallpaper is a picture of a snow encrusted antique wagon wheel.这张壁纸是一张画在一场降雪的过时的货车轮子。