




1.守护进程 2.6.2 vi/vim 常用的命令 36 3.6.1 xinetd 主配置文件 59 3.6.3 xinetd 的启动和停止 62 ...

3.守护进程服务程序-used Modules -> “Xinetd 服务配置 (XInetd)”这个选项,点击进去把imap、ipop2、ipop3这3个服务一一启动就可以了;

6.是个特殊的服务 chkconfig --pst # 列出服务状态(启动的) xinetd 是个特殊的服务 -a 所有用户的 ...


1.If you're using inetd, the configuration process is similar to that for xinetd, but several critical details differ.如果您正在使用inetd,那么配置过程类似于xinetd,但有几个关键细节不同。

2.If you want to set up Tomcat to handle port 80 requests on your system, you ll need to add a xinetd configuration file for this purpose.如果您想要在系统上设置Tomcat以处理端口80请求,就需要添加xinetd配置文件来实现这一目的。

3.Configuration of inetd and xinetd is similar but not identical, and a system can run either inetd or xinetd but not both.inetd和xinetd的配置相似,但是不完全相同。系统可以运行inetd或xinetd,但是不能同时运行两者。

4.The first value, emerg, generates the least amount of output from xinetd; the final value, debug, provides the most.第一个值emerg从xinetd生成最少的输出;最后一个值debug提供最详细的输出。

5.The disable = yes pne tells xinetd that it should not start SWAT.disable=yes行告知xinetd,它不应该启动SWAT。

6.Again, the steps to enable xinetd so that it launches with each system reboot are specific to your system.同样,启用xinetd让它在每次系统重新引导时启动的步骤因系统而异。

7.After you download the xinetd source code, unpack the tarball, run the configuration script (see Listing 2), and build the software.下载xinetd的源代码之后,解压压缩文件,运行配置脚本(见清单2)并构建软件。

8.Several types of addresses are accepted; consult the man page for xinetd. conf for details.可以接受的地址类型很很多种;请参阅xinetd.conf手册页了解有关的详细信息。

9.After you ve added the configuration file, you ll need to restart xinetd to actually activate the redirection.在添加了配置文件之后,需要重新启动xinetd来真正激活重定向。

10.For the paranoid, xinetd also supports an option called chroot.xinetd还支持chroot选项。