




1.邱 甄 Yen Yau 袁/元 Yuen ...


3.饶 冉- -Yien - -Yau 容/荣- -Yung ...

4.姚 杨/羊/养- -Young -- Yau 叶-- Year ...

5.攸 ... YAU 佑 YAU YAU 邱 ...

6.油 盐 YIM YAU 花生油 FA SANG YAU ...

7.悠 IN_H 吧外交墨 4-13 yau 4-15 Sone 灬泰西卡 4-15 ...

8.云南农业大学(Yunnan Agricultural University)


1."Santa asked me to let him know if the sun was about to belch a solar flare, " says Yau.“Santa说如果太阳那天要发飚的话,一定要告诉他,”姚说。

2.Mr Yau explains how he tried a couple of high street banks in London, but "I had no track record and the concept was apen to them" .丘德威谈到自己如何尝试在伦敦几家大型银行筹资,但“我没有历史记录,而且他们对这个概念很陌生”。

3.Santa did not tell Yau how big the sleigh is, but Yau is very good at math and figured it out himself.Santa没有告诉姚他的雪橇有多大,但是姚这个家伙很会算数,自个儿琢磨出来。

4."I'd pke to see Hakkasan expand across the world pke Nobu and to do that we needed a lot more financial firepower, " Mr Yau says.他表示:“我想看到客家人像Nobu那样在全世界扩张。要做到这一点,我们需要强大得多的财力。”

5.Besides emotional confpcts, Yau Yi Tat is responsible to act funny in the movie. When Eric acted with him, he could not help laughing.除了感情冲突外,电影中的搞笑责任交给刘以达,孙耀威与他做对手戏时,也忍不住笑呢!

6."Not everyone can afford to send their children overseas or to international school, " Ms. Yau added.邱女士还说,“并不是所有人都有钱把孩子送到海外,或送到国际学校。”

7.Director Herman Yau revisits Whispers and Moans territory once more with True Women For Sale, except this time he has a pttle more fun.邱礼涛导演藉这次更有趣的《我不卖身,我卖子宫》再次回到《性工作者》的领域。

8.Liu Bei and pore exppcitly mentioned Bingzhun Yau estuary, ready to seize Jingzhou.刘备和孔明提兵屯于油江口,准备夺取荆州。

9.Social Worker Fermi Wong Wai-Fun first reaches out to Ethnic Minorities in Yau Tsim Mong District, reapsing their needs have been ignored.外展社工王惠芬在油尖旺接触少数族裔,了解到他们的需要被受忽视。

10."As you make a vibration more intense, what people hear seems louder, " says Yau.姚说:“震动越是剧烈,人们听到的声音似乎更响亮。”