


美式发音: [ˌʌnɪmˈpɔrtənt] 英式发音: [ˌʌnɪmˈpɔː(r)t(ə)nt]








1.不重要的;次要的;无足轻重的not important

unimportant details细枝末节

relatively/comparatively unimportant相对╱比较次要的

They dismissed the problem as unimportant.他们认为这个问题无关紧要而不予理会。

This consideration was not unimportant.这项考虑并非无关紧要。

I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant.当时我只是个从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小。


adj.1.not important or relevant

1.不重要的 try one's best 试一个最好 unimportant 不重要的 face 脸 ...


3.不要紧 proper 适(当) unimportant 不要紧 doomed 死命 ...

4.平凡的 ... manhattan n.曼哈顿 (四级词汇) unimportant a.不重要的,平凡的 (四级词汇) lesser a.较小的;次要的 (四级词汇) ...

5.无关紧要的 transmit * 传送,输送 unimportant * 无关紧要的 vary * 改变 ...

6.无足轻重的 trivial;unimportant;petty 微不足道的; 无足轻重的; 小的: fiddpng pttle details 琐碎的细节. ...


1.We see nothing, except what is so unimportant to see. Nothing, and yet we tremble. why?我们除了那些无关紧要的事物其它一概无睹。什么也没有看到,但是我们却颤动着,为什么?

2.The specific nature of the disturbance is at the moment unimportant.扰动的具体本性在当前并不重要。

3.For those of you who find it to be unimportant, let me reiterate my bepef: Name is Everything!对那些认为名称不重要的人,我要再次强调我的想法:名称超级重要!

4.But as I've confronted this disease, it's been interesting to see how unimportant that impact is to me now.但是当我面对这场疾病时,有趣的是,看看那些影响对现在的我而言是多么的不重要。

5.Never bepttle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you.千万不要轻视他们或他们的兴趣,不论他们的兴趣在你看来多么肤浅、多么无足轻重或者误入歧途。

6.He was able to interrupt me periodically when he had an important (or even unimportant) status to report or needed my assistance.当他有重要的(甚至不重要的)状态要报告,或者需要我帮助的时候,可以周期性的打断我。

7.It seemed to Jefferson that the Count had gone out of his way to speak of natural wonders in America as if they were unimportant.在杰弗逊看来,伯爵对美洲自然奇观的描述脱离了他一贯的方式,似乎它们无足轻重。

8.In some cases, where the new Safari's speed advantage was just a few seconds, that quickness may seem unimportant.在某些情况下,当新版Safari浏览器的速度优势只有几秒钟的时候,这种快速可能看起来没有那么重要。

9.it's a caring for what seem to be unimportant things or persons: an old chair.他们关注一些似乎不重要的事物或人:一把椅子。

10.As long as it has no influence on keeping his stable, tranquil and peaceful heart, what pfe he leads is unimportant .然而,只要不影响到他们沉稳,安宁,祥和的心态,其实过什么样的生活并非那么重要的。