


美式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌdæd] 英式发音: ['grændæd]



复数:granddads  同义词




n.1.a grandfather; an insulting way of talking to an old man, especially one whose name you do not know

1.爷爷 grandchildren 孙子 granddad 爷爷 granddam 祖母 ... ...

2.老伯伯 老伯〖 uncle〗 老伯伯granddad〗 老财〖 moneybags〗 ...

3.祖父 go abroad 出国 42. granddad (外)祖父 43. grass 草;草地 44. ...

4.外公 ... Enumerate vt. 列举;枚举;计算 granddad n. [外祖]爷爷;外公 Terrorist n. 恐怖主义者,恐怖分子 ...

5.爷爷牌JackDaniel’s)牌的,而其他人则首选一种爷爷牌(GrandDad)的或泰勒牌(Taylor)的?他们难道品尝了这三个品牌,比较了它们 …


1.My granddad returned home the next day. I told him about what had happened; I thought he was going to tell me to stop being stupid.第二天我爷爷回来了,我告诉了他所发生的一切,我以为他会对我说别傻了。

2."Granddad" himself, as Malasha in her own mind called Kutuzov, was sitting apart from the rest in the dark corner behind the stove.老爷爷,玛拉莎心里这样称呼的库图佐夫,有意避开众人坐在壁灶后边不见亮光的角落里。

3."Remember this conversation, " I instructed my young nephews. "The last time people talked pke this was before your granddad was born. "“记住这次谈话!”我教导年轻的侄儿们,“上次人们谈论这样的话题还是在你们的爷爷出生之前。”

4.I started waiting for him to bring me a cat right after Granddad went out the next day.第二天姥爷刚走,我就开始等,等姥爷快点儿买猫回来。

5."That's not a bad idea, " said Granddad gently, " I don't need so much of a blanket. "“这想法倒不错,”爷爷和气地说,“我用不着这么大的毯子。”

6.Often these more informal words are used for grandfather: granddad; grandpa: and for grandmother: grandma.通常下面这些非正式的词语可以表示祖父、外祖父:granddad;grandpa:表示祖母、外祖母的是grandma。

7.My wait was not over until the evening when Granddad returned with a porcelain cat. That cat was a jar for keeping saved money.终于盼到了晚上,姥爷回来了,带回一只瓷猫,这只猫是个存钱罐,还是个眯眼睛的猫。

8.But I begged for a beautiful cat. Granddad then agreed to buy one the next day.我要一只漂亮的猫,姥爷说行,我明天给你买去。

9.Glasgow Rangers were interested in me, but It was always going to betennis for me, even though my granddad played for Hibs.格拉斯哥流浪者队对我感兴趣,但是我一直是要打网球的,尽管我外公为希伯尼安足球俱乐部踢球。

10.i know he told granddad he did, but he kept it in the house, in the bottom drawer of the dresser he carved himself.但是他对祖父说卖掉了,他一直把那块手表珍藏在家里面他亲手雕刻的梳妆台的底抽屉里。