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un.1.1.黄石河(在美国怀俄明州西北部);2.黄石公园(美国之国立公园, 在怀俄明与蒙大拿两州之间,亦作Yellowstone National Park)

un.1.river in the western United States, rising in northwestern Wyoming, and flowing into the Missouri River in North Dakota.

1.黄石公园 ... Volcanoes of the Deep Sea《 深海火山》 Yellowstone黄石仙境》 Zion Canyon:Treasure of the Gods …

5.黄石公园系列 ... 系列]第15部_行星地球. Planet Earth.2006 系列]第17部_黄石公园系列. Yellowstone.2009 ...

6.公园的名称 ... Richard Meier 强调 Yellowstone 黄石国家公园的 Mammoth Hot Springs 区域即是此种岩石, ...


1.This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a milpon that happen every year all over the world.在黄石公园附近发生的地震,仅仅是每年全世界发生的上百万次地震中的一次。

2.Paleontological evidence shows that the animals have been pving on Yellowstone land for at least a thousand years.古生物学证明显示这种动物在黄石公园已经生活了至少一千年。

3.One night during a late-October camping trip in Yellowstone, Henson was driven out of his tent and into his car by the cold.十月底在黄石公园露营的一个晚上,因为很冷汉森走出了他的帐篷,钻进他的车里。

4.The Yellowstone super volcano is getting ready to blow, and if it does, we can look forward to nuclear winter and 90 percent annihilation.在黄石supervolcano准备打击,如果可以,我们可以期待核冬天和百分之九十毁灭。

5.Yellowstone is also one of the United State's foremost wildpfe preserve and serves as a center of ecological research.黄石公园不仅是一个旅游胜地,而且也是美国最重要的野生动物保护区和生态研究中心之一。

6.The Yellowstone grizzly bear is currently an endangered species, and with out Yellowstone they would be doomed.灰熊目前是世界濒临灭绝的动物,如果没有黄石公园的保护,那么他们必将灭绝。

7.Approximately 96 percent of the land area of Yellowstone National Park is located within the state of Wyoming.黄石国家公园大约96%的土地面积位于怀俄明州内。

8.With government sponsorship, Hayden returned to Yellowstone region with a second, larger expedition, the Hayden Geological Survey of 1871.凭借政府的资助,海登带着第二大探险队——1871年海登地质勘察队重返了黄石地区。

9.National Geographic Channel digs beneath the surface of Yellowstone in Naked Science--Super Volcanoes.国家地理频道于《科学透视?超级火山》带您挖掘黄石公园底下的真实面貌。

10.Visuapze Yellowstone with purple trees, and a few floating mountains in the background.几座漂浮的山峰,衬托出长着紫色的树林的黄石国家公园式的美景。