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1.鹰卫浴 韩国拼法 Xing Ying 幸 Hang ...

4.诗意的巧合 2012-01-11 11:40:04 Ying (诗意的巧合。) 2012-02-29 10:10:20 Card + 乐卡 (取乐卡是一种生活方式) ...

5.中国 ... Zhihong,shanghai china, 中国 Ying, 北京, 中国 An,Shanghai, 中国 ...

6.北京 ... Zhihong,shanghai china, 中国 Ying, 北京, 中国 An,Shanghai, 中国 ...

7.王 VIP 肥猫领队 7-17 ying 123 ying 王123 8-6 ...

8.李 夏 xia YiNg ...


1.It reminds me of the "next day in the infinite-Bi Lin, Ying Hung Different Day flowers" of verse.它让我想起了“接天莲中无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗句。

2.The overall trend is still weak, basic empty single continued to hold and use 5 as Ying controlled lang maximum profits.整体趋势仍偏弱,基本空单可续持有且用5均作止盈控盘誏利润最大化。

3.Once, It had a time, I felt I had lost your guys(Ke, &, ying).有一次,它有时间,我觉得我已经失去了你的家伙(柯,&,英)。

4.The general Ho Ying-Chin submitted army reports and battle reports to Chiang Kai-shek. The Nanjing massacre did not appear in those reports.何应钦将军向蒋介石提交了军队报告和战斗报告,而南京大屠杀并没有出现在这些报告中。

5.Guo Ying, a 31-year-old office worker in Beijing, said he would participate but questioned whether there was any point to it.31岁的郭映(音)是北京的一位文职人员。他表示会接受普查,但对普查的意义感到怀疑。

6.But it does convey how much China's view of Taiwan has changed since Ma Ying-jeou became president last May.但在字里行间,确实传达了自去年五月马英九当选总统以来,中国对台湾的看法已经改观的信号。

7.So far single Yu-Jun-ying said that to return to their loved ones around to see the thinking of the long-Parent, which are very good true.至今单身的俞君英称,回到亲人身边,看到挂念已久的父母,这真的是太好了。

8.Sun Tai-ying is still recuperating in Austrapa, the rest is usually in addition to concentrate on prenatal education.孙泰英目前依然在澳大利亚休养中,平时除了休息就是专心胎教。

9.Lesbian Xiao Ying regrets that she came out of the closet too quickly when, at age 19, she told her mother.女同性恋者小英(化名)后悔她从中储藏室里出来得太快,那时她19岁,她还告诉了她母亲。

10.Fu Ying, China's deputy foreign minister, said China was committed to investing in European bonds and was ready to help Portugal.中国外交部副部长傅莹表示,中国承诺投资欧洲债券,并愿意帮助葡萄牙。