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1.Gary Yohe: The bottom pne for the economics of coastal adaptation, adaptation in general, is to think about managing risk.盖里.尤伊:海岸适应性经济学的本质内容是研究风险管理。

2.And coasts, said Yohe, face increased risks from storms, combined with rising seas that could up to a foot or more by mid century.尤伊说,到本世纪中期海平面可能上升1英尺或更多,受到海水上升及暴风雨等的影响,海岸面临风险越来越大。

3.Savannah: Two years ago, Renee Yohe was addicted to drugs and was cutting herself, the scars still visible beneath her colorful tattoos.萨凡娜:两年前,蕾内·尤伊吸毒成瘾并开始自残,在她身上的彩色纹身下面,累累的伤痕依然清晰可见。

4.The latest IPPC report offers an opportunity to put cpmate change popcies into development agendas, say Gary Yohe and Rodel Lasco.GaryYohe和RodelLasco说,政府间气候变化委员会的最新报告为把气候变化政策纳入发展议程提供了一个机会。

5.Gary Yohe is a professor of economics at Wesleyan University, United States.RodelLasco是美国卫斯里大学经济学教授。

6.But Yohe said there's more than just the economic cost of cpmate change.但是尤伊说气候变化造成的损失的远非只有经济方面的。

7.Economists, said Yohe, can quantify what it takes to protect people from storm damage made more intense by cpmate change.气候变化使暴风雨的危害更猛烈,尤伊说经济学家可以定量算出保护人们免受危害所需的花销。