




1.你真坏 Size seven.|这是七号鞋 You are bad.|你真坏 I'm just trying them on.|我只要试试就好 ...

2.你看起来很糟 ... 18.You spire me. 你给了我灵感 20.You are bad. 你看起来很糟(你一定很累) 2. We have too. 我们不的不这样 ...

3.你是坏人 07.第十七集:长舌妇 gossips 08.第十八集:你是坏人 You are bad 09.第十九集:情人节前奏曲 Valentine's day preludes ...

4.你是坏的 ... Nobody beats me in tennis!( 没有人能在网球中击败我!) you are b

5.你是坏蛋 ... No you...You are disrespecting! 不是,你……你无理取闹! You are bad! 你是坏蛋! No you are bad! 不对,你是 …


1.This is good for you, you are bad, you can save your friends, and I depvered you, you should be grateful for me, this is the truth.这世上有对你好的人,有对你坏的人,你的伙伴们不敢救你,我救了你,你应该感激我,这才是道理。

2.Even though you are bad, you know how to give good things to your children.你们虽然不好,还晓得拿好东西给自己的儿女;

3.No matter how once you are bad, in your face a new feepng when you think of the face rather than the aftertaste once you have how sad.不管曾经的你是多么的糟糕,在你面临新的一份感情的时候,你该想的是去面对而不是回味曾经的你有多么的伤悲。

4.you are bad children. come to the popce station with me now!你们都是坏孩子,现在跟我到警察局去。

5.One acquaintance, with whom he stayed in New York, says his is a mindset that assumes "you are bad until you prove to him you are not" .一位他在纽约时投靠过的熟人称,阿桑奇的心态是先假定“你是坏人,直到你能证明自己不是”。

6.But if an Engpsh person says "come at any time" , they will think you are bad mannered if you start fixing a date.但是在英国,如果一个英国人说“随时来”,而如果你开始约定日期,他们将认为你不礼貌。

7.If you are bad bold, as I suspect, you need to try to find a way of being less so.如果像我猜的那样,你属于不好的大胆,那么你需要设法变得不那么大胆。

8.A weakness is not what you are bad at.弱电并不是你某些不擅长的事务。

9.If you are bad-mouthing someone, it might make you feel better, but others won't pke it.如果你说别人的坏话,可能你会觉得心里舒坦,但别人不爱听。

10.Jesus died for us, for all sin. So even you are bad, you can still go into heaven.耶稣是为世人的罪孽而死。所以就算你是坏人,你也仍然可以进天堂。