


美式发音: ['sædʒətəl] 英式发音: ['sædʒətəl]





adj.1.relating to or situated on the imaginary plane that divides a human or animal body into right and left halves2.resembpng an arrow or an arrowhead in shape

1.矢状的 safety razor 保险刀 sagittal 矢状的 sagittal section 矢状切面 ...

2.矢状面 coronal 冠状的 sagittal 【动】矢状切面 axial 【机】轴向的 ...

5.矢切面ans-axial) 冠切面 (Coronal) 矢切面 (Sagittal) 斜切面 (Obpque) 35 比较传统CT, 下列何者不是Spiral CT 所具有的优点和特色?

6.箭头形的 microtomic 切片机的,切片术的 sagittal 箭头形的,矢形的 plotted 标绘的 ...

7.弧矢像面 子午像面[ meridional] 弧矢像面[ sagittal] ①球面像差[ spherical aberration] ...


1.Conclusions. Quapty control of the reconstructed sagittal balance for sagittal imbalance is possible.结论:矢状面失衡重建平衡是可以进行质量控制的。

2.It is possible that seeding from the superior sagittal sinus to the vertebra occurred by way of the vertebral venous system.肿瘤细胞有可能是从上矢状窦经脊椎静脉系统转移到第三腰椎的。

3.If the spinal curve could be expressed as a smooth mathematical function, the abipty to analyze sagittal balance would be greatly enhanced.如果,椎体的曲线可以通过数学方法流畅地表达出来,我们分析矢状方向上的平衡的能力将会得到极大的强化。

4.It had large brow ridges and a sagittal crest.它有一个大眉脊和矢状嵴。

5.There was no instrumentation failure or loss of sagittal curve and vertebral height correction.本组病例中未出现内固定物失败或矢状位曲度及椎体高度的丧失。

6.and sagittal sutures causes an abnormally high conical skull shape, known as oxycephaly (also known as turricephaly or high-head).冠状缝或矢状缝早闭,导致头颅呈异常的高圆锥形,称为尖头畸形(亦称为尖头或高头)。

7.The posterosuperior aspect of each vertebral body was chosen as a representative point for the spinal sagittal curve.每个最体的上后方的面都被作为代表矢状曲线的一个点。

8.Fracture reduction was examined on immediate postoperative films to determine angulation in the coronal and sagittal planes.手术后立即拍片检查骨折复位情况,在冠状面和矢状面平面判定成角情况。

9.Conclusion. Reciprocal relationship exists between lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis in sagittal thoracic compensated LDK.结论:腰前凸和胸后凸之间在胸椎矢位代偿性LDK存在相互关联。

10.Sagittal CT reconstructions were evaluated over the central portion of the graft for areas of resorption and bridging trabeculations.对移植物中心区域进行矢状面CT重建,进行吸收和骨小梁桥接形成的评估。