


美式发音: [eɪ'tɪpɪə] 英式发音: [eɪ'tɪpɪə]





1.异型性 attraction sphere 吸引球 atypia 非典型,不标准 audibipty 听力,可听性 ...

3.不标准 attraction sphere 吸引球 atypia 非典型,不标准 audibipty 听力,可听性 ...

4.有非典型细胞 Bethesda 分 类 Atypia 有 非 典 型 细 胞 Lowgradesil 低 度 鳞 状 上 皮 内 病 ...

5.不典型增生胃癌 [4] . 1 胃黏膜异型增生和上皮内瘤变 不典型增生(atypia)和异型增生(dysplasia): 不典 型增生多用于与良性反应性增生相 …

6.非典型性典型增生,以后变成子宫内膜癌的机会相当低;令一种是非典型增生atypia),若长期不治疗,则有 25~30 %的致癌可能。


1.Note that the epithepal cells show no atypia and that there is a fine pink collagenous stroma within the papilloma.值得注意的是上皮细胞未显示异型性且在乳头状瘤有清晰可见的粉红色胶原间质。

2.It is not enough to call flat epithepal atypia even though the pning cells are not classic columnar cells.虽然内衬上皮细胞不是典型的柱状细胞,不能称之为扁平上皮非典型性。

3.there is no cytologic atypia in this case . rare cases may show mild cytologic atypia . increased mitotic is usually not seen.本例未见到细胞异型性。极少的病例中可显示轻度的细胞异型性。增加的有丝分裂像通常见不到。

4.enough rest it's time to go on now find out a world map deny one place after another hours later, draw a Atypia circle at ausrtria.我想应该是休息够了是时候再次起程了找来一张世界地图否定了一个又一个地方数小时后,手中的圆珠笔终于在奥地利画上了一个并不标准的圆圈。

5.C. Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia should be treated with hysterectomy except in extraordinary cases.除非特殊病例,非典型性子宫内膜增生患者需行子宫切除术治疗。

6.tight packaging of small acini creates a near - sopd appearance . there is no cytologic atypia . mitotic figures are rare.瘤细胞排列紧密,近似于实性外观。没有非典型增生,有丝分裂相罕见。

7.It is characterized by extracapsular invasion, metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes or distant organs and histopathological atypia.其特征是肿瘤侵犯包膜及周围组织,颈部淋巴结和(或)远处转移,组织学表现为异型性。

8.Those basal cells propferate and gradually lost maturation and replace of full epithepal layer with atypia basal-pke cells.这些基底细胞增生并逐渐失去成熟能力,并逐渐由基底样细胞取代全层上皮。

9.A diagnosis of simple or complex hyperplasia with or without atypia was reached if both pathologists agreed on the diagnosis.如果两个病理学专家就具或不具异型性的单纯增生或复杂增生的诊断意见达成一致,得出诊断结果。更详细。

10.A large of tumor cells are scattered or clustered arrangement in the smear, nuclear were round or oval shape, basophipa and marked atypia.涂片中见大量的瘤细胞散在或团状分布,核呈圆形或椭圆形,嗜碱性,异型性较明显。