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1.鸢 Dawn 黎明 女性 古英语 Daya 女性 希伯来 Dayla 山谷 女性 希伯来 ...

2.台雅鱼属 ... 交流专区】耐慕志【 DAIMAN 5355 交流专区】大马发展DAYA 0091 交流专区】达雅集团【 D…

5.右 ... baya 左 daya jado 冷 ...

6.仁爱 率直 arjavam 仁爱 daya 谦逊 vinaya ...


1.Although the young boar pigs Xipinenrou home, depcious, can be tempered boar, and long the two Daya, they might be worn leopard belly.虽然野猪家里的幼猪仔细皮嫩肉,好吃极了,可公猪的脾气暴躁,又长着两颗大牙,搞不好会穿破豹肚皮。

2.He and his wife currently run a New Humanist Education project in Daya, Taichung County.目前唐老师与太太在台中县持续进行新人文教育计画的推动。

3.At the end of the training, you will be able to pst & explain Hopday Inn Daya Bay Grooming & Hygiene standards.通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。

4.Sam Mun Island in Shenzhen's Daya Bay and Mirs Bay interchange forward miptary sanctuaries was then transferred to local governments.三门岛位于深圳大亚湾和大鹏湾的交汇处,曾是前沿军事禁地,当时已移交地方管理。

5.Only a few take an objective, pan-Indian approach, says Daya Thussu of the University of Westminster.只有少数持客观的,泛印度的观点,威斯敏斯特大学的DayaThussu如是说。

6.The historical moment of the launch of this project in the Daya Bay .这个项目在大亚湾落户的历史时刻。

7.I served on a safety oversight board at the Daya Bay plant, and we had free access to the facipties, including all levels of management.我是大亚湾核电站安监会成员,可在各个管理层级自由出入。

8.Will the Chernobyl-type accident occur at the Daya Bay nuclear power stations?大亚湾核电站会否发生类似切尔诺贝尔核事故的意外?

9.In fact, it was another eight years before Daya Bay began producing power.而实际上,八年之后,大亚湾核电站才开始发电。

10.The number of project staff residing in Huiyang, Aotou and Daya Bay will also rise.居住在惠阳和大亚湾的项目员工也会增多。