




1.马赞 骗: 纂 zuan3。 马上:马赞 zan3。 怂恿:绰和 chuo2 huo。 ...

2.酂 ... 鄽" chan2" " zan4" 酄" huan1" ...

3.真 浸 Zam Zan 增 Zang ...

4.在 咋 zai zan 暂 zang ...

5.自己存 攒钱[大家凑] cuan2 攒钱[自己存] zan3 [脖颈 geng3 ...

6.曾 * gan 奸 * zan * gen 坚 ...

7.大山 zaljev 海湾 zan 大山 zapon 硝化清漆 ...


1.See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tian he.眼看就要追上,却被王母娘娘拔下的金簪一划,他脚下立刻出现了一条波涛汹涌的天河。

2.The skin sees old four inattentionses especially, Zan foot energy, suddenly stand up to bump him from the ground.皮特看老四不注意,攒足了力气,猛然从地上站起来去撞他。

3.Wanting to say your daddy's mama can be true enough great of, how Zan Ba Chu so half cooked of thing!要说你爸妈可真够伟大的,怎么就攒巴出你这么个半生不熟的东西!

4.The character of "Zan" has five different meanings. Its basic meaning is assisting and illustrating, and others are extended meanings.“赞”字在上古有五种含义,最基本的意义为“助”、“明”,其它皆其引申之义。

5.General Wu Zan was a loyal, brave and skillful general of the Tang Dynasty.乌赞将军是唐代一位忠臣,非常的勇猛善战。

6.Beam to Zan, tang dynasty elwood Haynes invented astronomical instruments.梁令瓒,唐代天文仪器制造家。

7.Mine's a matter for the sake of pving to Zan, built patio, there are those summer coopng products, this is not all mine on the care we do!矿上为咱着想的事多着呢,搭建的遮阳棚,还有那些防暑降温用品,这不都是矿上对咱们的关爱吗!

8.Want to say your daddy's mama true great of, how Zan Ba Chu so half cooked of thing!要说你爸妈可真伟大的,怎么就攒巴出你这么个半生不熟的东西!

9.This is onpne map of the address "Shang Yuan Guan Zhen Zan Jia Zhuang Cun , Chenggu County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China" .这是地址“中国陕西省汉中市城固县上元观镇昝家庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。

10.Zan Arbor is caught and imprisoned, and the bounty hunter Ona Nobis is presumed dead after a fight with Obi-Wan.瓒阿博被关进了监狱,据推测赏金猎人欧娜诺比斯也在与欧比交手时被杀死。