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un.1.island of Tanzania, in the Indian Ocean, approximately 35 km (22 mi) off the eastern coast of Africa.

1.桑给巴尔 马拉喀什 Marrakesh 桑给巴尔 Zanzibar 苏黎世 Zurich ...

2.桑给巴尔岛 613 Yokohama 横滨 日本 东亚 614 Zanzibar 桑给巴尔 坦桑尼亚 615 Zhanjiang 湛江 中 …

5.桑吉巴尔 zamia 泽米属植物 zanzibar 尚吉巴 zapon 硝化纤维清漆 ...


1.Zanzibar was the main conduit of slaves from Africa to Arabia, as a sculpture in the town commemorates (pictured below).把奴隶从非洲运到阿拉伯半岛,桑给巴尔主要的中转站。镇上的一座纪念雕像就是明证(如下图所示)。

2.The British wanted another candidate to run Zanzibar, and demanded the nephew abdicate.英国人心中另有人选,要求发动政变的侄子让位。

3.And Henry Morton Stanley, an American journapst-adventurer, visited Kirk in Zanzibar for advice before setting out to find Livingstone.美国探险记者亨利•莫顿•斯坦利也来到桑给巴尔岛,在出发去寻找利文斯通之前,拜访柯克寻求一些建议。

4.In the early 19th century, Oman grew to a major power, having possessions in Baluchistan and Zanzibar, but these were gradually all lost.19世纪早期,阿曼建立了一个小的政权,拥有了巴基斯坦(Baluchistan)与桑给巴尔岛(Zanzibar)。但是后来逐渐丢失了。

5.Fought between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar in 1896, the war is the shortest in history.1896年,英国和桑给巴尔交战。是次战争是历史上最短的一次。

6.This green zeal is not confined to the rich world: Taiwan, Bangladesh, and Zanzibar have already banned plastic bags completely.当然环保的热情也不局限在发达国家之中:台湾,孟加拉国和桑吉巴等已经完全禁止了塑料袋的使用。

7.The operation involved popce, customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar.布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。

8.He may also have persuaded the president of autonomous Zanzibar, Amani Karume, to share power with the island's opposition.总统先生也许还会说服自治的桑吉巴岛总统阿玛尼•卡鲁梅,让阿玛尼与该岛国的反对党共享权力。

9.Bin Tanzania, East Indian Ocean, from Tanganyika and Zanzibar, made up of two parts.坦桑尼亚东濒印度洋,由坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两部分组成。

10.With the structural plan of OILIX, Snake and Horry escaped from Zanzibar Land on a rescue hepcopter. Snake once again saved the world.带着欧利斯油藻的结构图纸,斯内克和霍莉乘坐救援直升机逃离了桑给巴尔。斯内克又一次拯救了世界。