




1.给我讲个故事 数以千计的。 thousangds of 给我讲个故事 tell me a story 凌晨两点钟 2 a.m. ...

2.给我讲故事 32.做鬼脸 make faces 33.给我讲故事 tell me a story 1.举行一次运动会 hold a sport meeting ...

3.产品介绍 Stimulate me to think. 引发我的思考。 Tell me a story. 给我讲一个故事。 ...

5.说个故事给我听 童话故事专区 Kid’s Corner 说个故事给我听 Tell Me a Story 福克斯新闻网 FOX NEWS ...

6.告诉我个故事 ... I love it even more 我就更喜欢了 Tell me a story 告诉我个故事 About the night before 关于圣诞前夜的 ...


1.The first one said, 'Tell me a story that will help me to understand you better.一个人问:“告诉我一个你的故事,让我可以更清楚的了解你。”

2."I am not a weary, mother, " repped the pttle girl. "But you may sit down, if you will tell me a story meanwhile. "“我还不累呢,妈妈,”那小姑娘回答说。“不过,你要是愿意借这个机会给我讲个故事的话,倒是可以坐下来。”

3.Tell me a story about a clever animal. It must be as clever as Matt.给我讲一个聪明的小动物的故事吧!它要和Matt一样聪明。

4.Dad, you promised to tell me a story. Where were you?爸爸,你说过要讲故事给我听你到哪里去了?

5.Tell me a story about one of your grandparents? . What have you learned from them?给我讲一个有关你祖父母的故事。你从他们那里学到了些什么?

6.Can you tell me a story about me as a child?说一个关于我小时候的故事吧?

7.Tell me a story. What do you wanna hear? I don't know. Tell me. Tell me a story about your dad.给我讲个故事你想听什么?不知道。讲个你爸爸的故事。

8.Please tell me a story.请给我讲个故事吧。

9.He will tell me a story after an hour.他一个小时以后告诉了我这个故事。

10.Tell me a story.给我讲一个故事。