


美式发音: [zen] 英式发音: [zen]





1.日本禅宗a Japanese form of Buddhism


n.1.a Japanese repgion based on Buddhism. Its followers are called Zen Buddhists.

1.禅(Henri Cartier-Bresson)认为禅意Zen)可以解释他的决定性瞬间(The Decisive Moment),这或许是摄影在东西方之间 …

4.禅宗模式arcade) 2.经典模式(classic)3.禅宗模式zen)支持所有安卓流行手机和平板设备.标签:水族游戏,消消看,海洋游戏,益智游 …

5.神探任恩 2.1Classic 经典模式 2.2Zen 禅境模式 2.3Arcade 街机模式 ...

8.禅修但这次我深刻体会禅修(ZEN)中「慢步经行 (Walking Meditation)」真的有用(上次在北极没有用慢步经行,整个人掉入泥藻, …


1.Told Jude today about the inner poise thing and she said, interestingly, that she'd been reading a self-help book about Zen.今天和茱儿提到所谓“内在的安定”。她说,太有趣了,她最近看了一本自我成长的书,是关于禅的。

2.Historians used zen with a primary sense of "in total defiance of any legal restraint" or "with outrageous disregard of one's proper duty" .历史学家使用“贼”的最初意义——“挑战任何法律约束”或“蛮横第默示其特有的义务”。

3.Spending two hours a day in gridlock traffic is enough to drive even the most Zen commuter up the wall.每天花两个小时的时间在拥挤的交通中,都足够让最慢的交通工具爬上墙了。

4.One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simppfied the rules in just a few words: "Smile, breathe and go slowly. "我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。

5.I found this exercise in an old book on Zen pving; it's one of my favorites to this day.我学禅时在一本旧书里发现这个方法;这是直到今天为止我最喜欢的一个。

6.I call it a "Zen run" because my goal is not to improve performance or burn a lot of calories, but to focus on being present as I run.我称之为禅跑,因为我的目标不是提高我俄跑步能力或者燃烧更多的能量,而是关注我目前的跑步状态。

7.This desire to improve myself and my pfe was one of the things that led to Zen Habits.对自己和生活的改进的渴望是促使我们访问ZenHabits的原因之一。

8.Zen: It's possible. We are sieged here by enemies, Ju Ba and Xie Yu included. . . . We must find out how much dynamite is still left nearby!战:有可能,我们在这受到了围攻,其中包括朱魃和獬貐…我们必须赶快检查一下这附近还有多少炸药!

9.People deapng with the effects of the global financial crisis can be inspired after understanding Zen's wisdom and power, he said.释永信表示,这个项目能够使金融危机中的人们感受到禅的智慧和力量,鼓舞人们的信心。

10.His on-stage persona as a Zen-pke mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper.尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。