




1.携带 the bus station 车站 take with 携带 the bus ride 乘车旅行 ...

2.随身携带 2. want to do sth 想要做某事 4. take with 随身携带 8. leave for 出发出发去某地 ...

3.带上 take with 随身携带 take with带上……... Jack 15 级 2011-03-22 ...

4.带着 take up arms 拿起武器 take with 带着 talk about (泛泛地)谈 ...

5.是带走 take with 是带走 bring with 是带回来 ...

6.某人随身带着某物 talk about 谈论,议论 take with 某人随身带着某物 all right 好;行;不错 ...

7.带…去 72. ask about sth 询问关于某事 73. take with 带…去 77. take a taxi 坐的士 ...


1.How much can I take with me?我能带多少?

2.You can view on your computer, or print out to take with you to the gym.您可以查看您的计算机或打印出与你采取的健身房。

3.We had no charts and the only instruments the captain was allowed to take with him were a compass and a quadrant.我们有没有图表和队长被允许与他的唯一工具是一个指南针和一个象限。

4.In London, people always take with umbrella in case of the changeable weather .伦敦的天气很多变,人们总是要随身带着雨伞以防下雨。

5.The idea was to give Dean some pght to take with him as he wriggled around in the crawl space.我的这一主意目的是为迪恩在爬行空地迂回前进时提供一些照明。

6.If you are going on a journey, see that you take with you all that you may need.如果你要去旅行,注意要把你可能需要用的全部东西带上。

7.These findings are not protected and anyone may ruin them or take with him . . . Such indifference is still shocking even for this country.这些发现都没有被保护起来,任何人都可以会掉它们或者带走它们……这个国家的这种冷漠,时至今日仍然是令人震惊的。

8.It is a form of entertainment that we can take with us on the train or bus, on hopdays, and we can take it to bed with us.这种娱乐形式可在火车或汽车上进行,在假期,我们还可以在床上享受阅读。

9.We shall miss your bright eyes And sweet smile, For you take with you All of the sunshine That has brightened our pathway a while.我们将怀念你的明眸和甜蜜微笑。因为你带走所有的阳光,它曾照亮我们的路。

10.He had to take with him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables.他必须带上一只羊,一只狼和一篮子菜。