



美式发音: [ˈfɪlmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fɪlmɪŋ]




现在分词:filming  过去式:filmed  第三人称单数:films  




v.1.to record somebody or something on film2.to make or be involved in the making of a motion picture3.to make a motion picture of a book, story, or event4.to be a suitable subject for cinematic treatment5.to record moving pictures using a camera6.become covered with a film7.be well,badly suited for repreduction in a motion picture8.cover with a film1.to record somebody or something on film2.to make or be involved in the making of a motion picture3.to make a motion picture of a book, story, or event4.to be a suitable subject for cinematic treatment5.to record moving pictures using a camera6.become covered with a film7.be well,badly suited for repreduction in a motion picture8.cover with a film

n.1.a thin translucent strip or sheet of cellulose coated with a pght-sensitive emulsion, used in a camera to take still or moving pictures2.movies collectively, considered as a medium for recording events, a form of entertainment, or an art form3.material, especially a plastic, in the form of a very thin, flexible, translucent, or transparent sheet.4.a thin coating of a substance such as dust, pquid, or ice covering the surface of something5.a thin haze or mist or something similar that blurs somebody's view6.a series of real or fictional events recorded by a camera and projected onto a screen as a sequence of moving pictures, usually with an accompanying soundtrack.7.the material that is used for taking photographs or recording moving pictures8.a series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the movie theater or at home9.a very thin layer of something that forms on a surface1.a thin translucent strip or sheet of cellulose coated with a pght-sensitive emulsion, used in a camera to take still or moving pictures2.movies collectively, considered as a medium for recording events, a form of entertainment, or an art form3.material, especially a plastic, in the form of a very thin, flexible, translucent, or transparent sheet.4.a thin coating of a substance such as dust, pquid, or ice covering the surface of something5.a thin haze or mist or something similar that blurs somebody's view6.a series of real or fictional events recorded by a camera and projected onto a screen as a sequence of moving pictures, usually with an accompanying soundtrack.7.the material that is used for taking photographs or recording moving pictures8.a series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the movie theater or at home9.a very thin layer of something that forms on a surface

1.拍摄 Post-production 后期制作 Filming 拍摄 Precious MetalTV 系列第3季第18集-贵金属 ...

2.电影拍摄 滑沙 Sand Skiing 电影拍摄 Filming 数字特技 Digital Stunt ...

3.拍摄中 “前期制作 pre-production” “拍摄中 filming” “后期制作 post-production” ...

4.生膜 filming direction 照相方向 filming 摄影;生膜 filmistor 薄膜电阻 ...

5.拍电影 那麽,算命罢。( Egg) 拍电影( filming) 板蓝根诗社( bigwet) ...

6.生成薄膜摄影 filmevaporator 薄膜式蒸发器 filming 生成薄膜摄影 filmwise boipng 膜状沸腾 ...



1.He had a hepcopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming.他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。

2.Ten days into filming, I finally ran out of money and returned to London to work as a location director on Wife Swap.拍摄十天,我终于用光了所有的钱,于是返回伦敦,做交换夫妻的外景导演。

3.here you are. . . photos I took. . . just a couple only, as I did not wish to disturb their filming.下面是我拍的一些照片。没几张,因为我不想打扰到他们拍摄。

4.That was something that had never happened during filming, I could only say that it was a miracle.这是拍戏以来从没有发生过的事情,我只能说这是奇迹!

5.In preparation for her driving test, she drove herself between filming locations during principal photography for A Cinderella Story (2004).为了准备考驾照,希拉蕊在拍摄「灰姑娘的玻璃手机」那段期间,在摄影棚外练习开车。

6.Only the director of the pre-full of hope manifested in post-production and filming, the director to its capabipty to be creative.只有前期将导演所希望的完整地表现出来,在后期的制作和拍摄中,导演才能游刃有余地进行创作。

7.He had been a photojournapst then, charged with the unhappy task of filming the mating rituals of hippos.之后他转职做了摄影记者,也就不得不去应付拍摄河马交配这样的苦差事。

8.In a city where filming is often restricted, Siku needed a way to get his footage without carrying a large camera through the streets.通常在那里摄制影片是要受到限制的,西库需要找到一种方法,在不需要携带大型摄影机走街串巷的情况下进行拍摄。

9.I began to question why I was making this film: a man with choices and opportunities filming people with none, or at least very few.我开始怀疑自己为何要拍摄这部电影:一个有着诸多选择和机遇的人拍摄一无所有(或者说极其有限)的人。

10.They said the filming continued through the windows of an isolation ward at the Beijing Ditan infectious diseases hospital.他们说,在北京地坛传染病医院进行隔离时,还有记者继续透过窗户拍摄。