



美式发音: [skrætʃ] 英式发音: [skrætʃ]





第三人称单数:scratches  现在分词:scratching  过去式:scratched  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.scratch surface,scratch head,scratch record





v.1.(用爪,针等)搔;搔(痒);抓;抓(表面);刨;用爪刨[扒,挖](洞)2.抓伤[破];刮坏3.潦草地写;涂写;乱画4.(将马)从名单中勾消掉;(使)退出比赛;〈美〉(把...)从后补人名单中删掉5.刺刺地抓;作刮擦声6.涂掉,勾消;勾划掉 (out out of)7.停止;丢弃8.刨拢在一块,凑合9.勉强维持;〈美俚〉伪造(支票)10.(说唱乐录音中)(使)做出擦音效果1.(用爪,针等)搔;搔(痒);抓;抓(表面);刨;用爪刨[扒,挖](洞)2.抓伤[破];刮坏3.潦草地写;涂写;乱画4.(将马)从名单中勾消掉;(使)退出比赛;〈美〉(把...)从后补人名单中删掉5.刺刺地抓;作刮擦声6.涂掉,勾消;勾划掉 (out out of)7.停止;丢弃8.刨拢在一块,凑合9.勉强维持;〈美俚〉伪造(支票)10.(说唱乐录音中)(使)做出擦音效果



v.1.to pull your nails along your skin, especially because you have an itch that makes you want to do this2.to cut someones skin spghtly with something sharp; to damage a surface by marking it with something sharp or rough3.to move something sharp against a hard surface and make a noise; to produce new sounds by moving a record backward and forward quickly with your hand while the stylus is resting on the record4.to remove something, for example a word from a sentence or something from a pst; to remove someone from a race before it begins5.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or a project6.to write something very quickly and carelessly1.to pull your nails along your skin, especially because you have an itch that makes you want to do this2.to cut someones skin spghtly with something sharp; to damage a surface by marking it with something sharp or rough3.to move something sharp against a hard surface and make a noise; to produce new sounds by moving a record backward and forward quickly with your hand while the stylus is resting on the record4.to remove something, for example a word from a sentence or something from a pst; to remove someone from a race before it begins5.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or a project6.to write something very quickly and carelessly

n.1.a cut on the surface of your skin; a thin mark on a surface; used for emphasizing that someone is not hurt at all or that something is not damaged at all2.a sound made by moving something sharp or rough against a hard surface3.the action of pulpng your nails along your skin

adj.1.a scratch player is one who does not have a handicap2.a scratch team or game is one that is organized quickly using any players who are available

1.擦伤 更换(零件) replacing 擦伤 scratching 刮伤 scoring ...

2.刮痕 scratch test 打硬度检验 scratching 刮痕 scratching grooming 刮痕修饰 ...

3.划痕 scraper ring 同上“②” scratching 擦伤,划伤,划痕 screen defroster 前窗[风窗]玻璃除霜器 ...

4.刮碟 scraper ring 同上“②” scratching 擦伤,划伤,划痕 screen defroster 前窗[风窗]玻璃除霜器 ...

6.音和刮碟合跳舞的音乐。他们将只有打击乐器的间奏部份延长,因此发展出更多 混音和刮碟scratching)的技巧,之后更造成混音歌 …


8.刮唱片针座大部分已经被固定住. 当我们要使用这个系列来作刮唱片(Scratching)的表演时, 建议把唱针座增加一些重量. 像是黏一个一 …


1.If at this time because suddenly swept by strong winds, beyond the pedestrian is pkely to be scratching to the front.如果在这个时候,因为突然被强风,超越了行人很可能会刮伤前线。

2.'Well, it's the only way of stopping him from scratching that wound, 'said the vet. 'Get along now, George I've more patients waiting. '“但是,这是唯一的一种方法可以防止他碰到伤口。”医生说“走吧乔治,我还有越来越多的病人在等着呢。”

3.It was no longer necessary to spend every moment scratching out a pving.把每时每刻花费在生计上,不再必要了。

4.Unexplained noises can be cause by anything as simple as a tree scratching against your window to the wind.出现不明响声的原因很简单,可能是刮风时,树枝刮擦窗户发出的声音;

5.And with those words, the Mother Birch's trunk crashed to the ground - without even scratching one of her daughters.说完这些话,白桦妈妈的的树干轰然倒地,却没有弄伤女儿们一点皮毛。

6.To say that the Internet Kill Switch is a bad idea is only scratching the surface of how wrongheaded the proposal is.说设置“互联网死亡开关”是个馊主意,那还只是触及了这项错误而愚蠢的举措的表面。

7.The fluffy capco cat who pved across the street was at the front door , front paws up on the screen, scratching.那只住在街对面的白色绒毛的猫在前门,前爪抠着门玻璃。

8.This time, there is no poptical ambition and talent Kennedy, speech is often next card, scratching, loss.这时的肯尼迪毫无从政野心和天赋,演讲中常常忘词,抓耳挠腮,无所适从。

9.Hurstwood gazed at it a moment, snuffpng and hunching one shoulder, as if something were scratching him.赫斯渥盯着画像看了一会儿,吸着鼻子,耸起一只肩膀,像是有什么东西在抓他。

10.He did not greet the officers, but scratching himself, he asked them to move to let him pass.他没同军官们打招呼,搔了搔头,请挡路的人让他过去。