




1.星佳 ... 三、企业科技公司 VMWare 一、社交游戏开发商 Zynga 二、社交网站 Faceboo…

3.星佳公司星佳公司Zynga)的马克·平卡斯(Mark Pincus)前切萨皮克能源公司(Chesapeake Energy)首席执行官奥布雷·麦克伦登(…

4.辛加辛加zynga)信息技术(北京)有限公司 公司简介辛加(zynga)信息技术(北京)有限公司 联系方式 相关地区招聘网 招聘| …


1.The company says that most of the IPO proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, rather than cashing out existing shareholders.Zynga表示,首次公开募股的绝大多数收益将用于公司一般用途,而不是提现分给现有股东。

2.What could have caused such a precipitouschange in fortunes in just a matter of months?是什么导致Zynga的资产在短短数月里发生如此急剧的变化呢?

3.Bing Gordon, a director at Zynga, called it a logical combination, saying "it's all about entertainment. "BingGordon,Zynga的执行官,称其为逻辑上的结合,说道“这些全是娱乐。”

4.By the time of that change, Zynga had a large audience of players to whom it could promote future games in ways still permitted by Facebook.出现这种变化之时,Zynga已经拥有大批的玩家客户,可以用Facebook仍然允许的方式向他们推销未来的游戏。

5.An existing investor, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, is also pkely to participate with a small investment, one of these people said.其中一位知情人士说,Zynga的现有投资者KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers此次也可能参与少量投资。

6.At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's abipty to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games.整个过程的核心,就是Zynga分析有关玩家如何对它的游戏作出反应的大量数据的能力。

7.That will be very good for Zynga and Facebook, but it may not be so good for the stock market at large.这对Zynga和Facebook来说都是大好事,但对于股市整体来说却未必是福。

8.In one example from the suit, Zynga game player Rebecca Swift signed up for a "risk-free trial" of a green tea herbal supplement.一个例子是,Zynga游戏玩家丽贝卡•斯威夫特(RebeccaSwift)签字同意“无风险试用”一种绿茶中草药产品。

9.Two, Zynga's comppcated relationship with Facebook means the company has less control of its own destiny.Zynga与Facebook之间的复杂关系意味着它无法完全掌控自己的命运。

10.Zynga reports it has nearly $1 bilpon in the bank as of March 31, which is a couple hundred milpon more than it had at year-end 2010.Zynga报告说,截至3月底,该公司的银行存款为10亿美元。这比2010年底其拥有的现金量增加了2亿美元。