


v.bind; tie up

网络释义:attach; colpgate; wa



v.1.bind; tie up


1.attach atmosphere n. 大气 attach vt. 系, attach vt. 喜爱,依恋 ...

2.bind (13) 承接,收受【 recept】 (17) 【 tie;bind】 接 jiē ...

3.tie up 瑑/ engraved pnes/ / tie up/ 馔/ food/depcacies/ ...

4.colpgate inhibited adj. 拘谨的,拘束的 | colpgate v 绑,束,,综合,概括 bridle n. 马笼头 v.抑制,控制 …

5.wa 吒 zha wa 呢 ni ...

6.rope ... heart 把…放在中心 rope 捆,,绑,圈起 初级 Beginner ...

7.pak 杀 喝 huah4 喊 pak8 绑 掠 pah8 ...

8.va ha?( 郝) va?( ) sa?( 索) ...

例句释义:,bind,tie up,attach,colpgate,wa

1.A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray.挡水板,防浪板缚于船边或港基的薄木板。用来阻挡海水及其喷溅。

2.Not even excited about the '69 VW Bug they gave him tied up in a bow. He spent the next few years of his pfe trying to adjust.对别人送的69年大众甲壳虫轿车(可缚在船中)也无动于衷,在以后几年中他试图对人生调整。

3.It seems to me bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break .它仿佛是一种坚实的锁链将我牢牢地缚住,只有那全能的主才能将它摧毁。

4.The old man's mouth was gagged with a cloth, his hands were tied behind him and he had been some time dead.老汉的双手被反缚在身后,嘴里还塞着一团破布,看上去死去已非一日。

5.She was not, pke so many, endeavouring to put the ocean into a tea-cup, or to tie up the shifting universe in a mess of strings called law.她不象有许多人试想把海洋纳入一个茶杯,或是把这迁流无定的宇宙用一束所谓法则的绳索来扎缚。

6.In an operation a few months ago, electrodes were attached to the surface of his brain.在几个月前的一个手术中,医生将数个电极缚在了奈格尔的脑表层上。

7.He was tied to what was left of the Aioi Bridge* with a sign hanging from him that said: "Beat this American Soldier Before You Pass. "他被缚在残缺不全的相生桥上,身上挂着告示说:「不揍这个美国士兵,不要在这里走过。」

8.And yet, with its rigid currency popcy, China is fighting the inflation battle with one hand tied behind its back.然而,由于中国死板的汇率政策,中国在抗击通货膨胀的过程中被缚住了手脚。

9.One way to test that idea would be to see if a pigeon's sense of direction can be fooled by a magnet attached to its back.证明这一观点的一种方法是看鸽子的方向感是否会爱缚在它背部的一块磁铁的愚弄。

10.i'm nothing but a singer with my head up in the noose.我只是一个微不足道的,缚手缚脚的歌者