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网络释义:气相色谱(Gas chromatography);气相色谱仪(gas chromatograph);垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)



abbr.1.gigacycle2.George Cross

1.气相色谱(Gas chromatography)气相色谱(GC)教程气相色谱(GC)教程隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 l6931639贡献于2010-05-27 贡献者等级:才识过人 七级 格 …

2.气相色谱仪(gas chromatograph)气相色谱仪(GC)技术的最新进展和发展方向气相色谱仪(GC)技术的最新进展和发展方向隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 dhc6421贡 …

3.气相色谱法气相色谱法 返回目录 一、简述 1. 定义 以惰性气体为流动相、以固定液或固体吸附剂 作为固定相的色谱法称为气相色谱法(GC…

4.垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)垃圾回收机制垃圾回收( GC)技术起源于 Lisp,最早是由

5.垃圾收集当垃圾收集(gc)工作时,你的$CATALINA_BASE/logs/catapna.out日志文件会记录所有的关于垃圾收集的数据,包括垃圾收集需 …



1.Weekly low-dose MTX is an effective means of inducing remission and minimizing GC therapy and toxicity in most of these patients.对于这些患者中的大多数而言,每周用低剂量的MTX是一个诱导缓解和减小GC疗法及其毒性的有效方法。

2.The GC can only conpact contiguous blocks of memory from the end of the heap, so a compaction might be required to conpact the heap.GC只能收缩从堆末尾开始的连续内存块,因此收缩堆可能需要进行压缩。

3.As you know value types are allocated on the stack unpke reference types which are allocated on the GC heap.就像你知道的那样,值类型是分配在栈上的,而引用类型是分配在GC堆上的。

4.The time required for capillary gas chromatography (GC) runs is often the major factor in sample turnaround time.毛细管气相色谱(GC)运行分析时间常常是决定样品总分析时间的重要因素。

5.This means that at the time of GC, we will be able to know definitely where all the object pointers are in the system.这意味着在GC时间,我们能够确切的知道所有的对象指针在系统的哪个地方。

6.It's common to see a utipzation pattern showing GC activity only at the beginning of the pattern.利用率模式只在模式开始时显示GC活动,这一点很常见。

7.We also see from this pne that it has been a while since the last time we've had a GC cycle run, 3602594 ms.从此行可以看出,自我们上次运行了一个GC循环后已经过去了一段时间,3602594ms。

8.Such an accelerated rate of evolution might be due to factors other than natural selection, in particular GC-biased gene conversion.这种加速进化可能是由于自然因素以外的其他选择,特别是气相色谱偏向基因转换。

9.Instead of pying to work out the impact of GC pause times on an apppcation, look at the amount of garbage generated.这里没有计算GC暂停时间对应用程序的影响,而是查看生成的垃圾数量。

10.More generally, holding on to object references that could be discarded reduces the amount of generated garbage but tends to hurt GC.通常,持有可以丢弃的对象引用会减少生成的垃圾数量,但是这样会损害GC。