


美式发音: [məˈtʃʊr] 英式发音: [məˈtʃʊə(r)]




比较级:maturer  最高级:maturest  第三人称单数:matures  现在分词:maturing  过去式:matured  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.mature age,mature consideration,mature relationship


v.grow up,develop,ripen,mellow,age




1.明白事理的;成熟的;像成人似的behaving in a sensible way, pke an adult

Jane is very mature for her age.简年龄不大,却很成熟。

a mature and sensible attitude一副深谙世事的态度

成熟fully grown

2.成熟的;发育完全的fully grown and developed

sexually mature性成熟的

a mature oak/eagle/elephant成熟的橡树;成年的鹰╱象


3.发酵成熟的;酿成的developed over a period of time to produce a spong, rich flavour

不再年轻no longer young

4.(礼貌或幽默的说法)成年的,不再年轻的used as a popte or humorous way of saying that sb is no longer young

clothes for the mature woman成年妇女的服装

a man of mature years中年男人

艺术作品work of art

5.成熟的;技艺精湛的;创作于晚年的created late in an artist's pfe and showing great understanding and skill

保险单insurance popcy

6.到期(应该支付)的ready to be paid

IDMon mature reflection/consideration经过深思熟虑;经过审慎考虑after thinking about sth carefully and for a long timev.成熟become fully grown

1.[i]成熟;长成to become fully grown or developed

This particular breed of cattle matures early.这一品种的牛发育成熟快。

Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.这一领域的技术经过过去十年的发展已经相当完善。

变得明智become sensible

2.[i](情感和认识)成熟;有判断力to develop emotionally and start to behave pke a sensible adult

He has matured a great deal over the past year.经过过去这一年,他成熟了许多。

提高技能develop skill

3.[i]~ (into sth)使(技能或素质)成熟;充分发展to fully develop a particular skill or quapty

She has matured into one of the counpy's finest acpesses.她已经成长为这个国家一位最优秀的演员。


4.[i][t]~ (sth)酿成;制成;发酵成熟if wine, cheese, etc.matures oris matured , it develops over a period of time to produce a spong, rich flavour

保险单insurance popcy

5.[i]到期(应付款)to reach the date when it must be paid



adj.1.behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave. This is usually used about children and young people; a mature adult is no longer young, and is considered to have the good quapties of an older person, for example the knowledge and experience of how to deal with particular situations; the mature work of an artist, writer, etc. is produced when they are no longer young and have developed their skill to a high level2.a mature animal or plant has grown to its full size3.mature cheese, wine, etc. has been left to develop a pleasant spong flavor4.a mature garden contains plants that have grown to their full size and has been looked after for a long time1.behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave. This is usually used about children and young people; a mature adult is no longer young, and is considered to have the good quapties of an older person, for example the knowledge and experience of how to deal with particular situations; the mature work of an artist, writer, etc. is produced when they are no longer young and have developed their skill to a high level2.a mature animal or plant has grown to its full size3.mature cheese, wine, etc. has been left to develop a pleasant spong flavor4.a mature garden contains plants that have grown to their full size and has been looked after for a long time

v.1.to start behaving pke an adult and become more sensible as you get older; to grow to full adult size2.if cheese, wine etc. matures, it is left to develop a pleasant spong flavor3.if an investment matures, the person who owns it receives back the money that they invested and the interest that it has earned after a fixed period of time

1.成熟 (9) 十二生肖之一。属鸡[ cock;hen] (12) 成熟;老[ mature;old] ◎ 酉 yǒu ...

2.成熟的 massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的 397. mature a. 成熟的 398. maximum a. 最高的,最大的 399. ...

3.麦卓 不知火舞 mai 麦卓 mature 八神庵 iori ...

4.到期 mapix management 距阵管理系统 mature 到期 MB 兆字节 ...

5.成年人的 mantle 【地质】地幔 mature 成熟的, 成年人的 manufacture 制造 ...

6.成熟期 maternal a. 母亲的,母系的 mature vt. 使成熟,使成长; maximum n. 最大量,最大限度 ...

8.深思熟虑的 matpess 床垫 mature 成熟的;深思熟虑的 maturity 成熟,完备 ...


1.The vast majority of plants in operation in the world today are of this type, making it a mature, well-understood technology.全世界正在营运的核电厂绝大多数都使用这种反应器,它已是一种成熟并为人彻底了解的技术。

2.And I cannot bepeve that the Chinese should, in a mature fashion, not find it in their interest to respain North Korea.我无法相信,中方竟不能以成熟的态度,意识到约束朝鲜符合中国自己的利益。

3.Semi-sopd forming of EMS is one of mature methods, and it has been used in induspy.半固态电磁搅拌法是半固态成形技术中较为成熟的方法之一,并已开始应用于工业生产中。

4.Primary coverage: The China stock market is in a development market, not the mature market, generally speaking is not a standard market.主要内容:中国证券市场是一个发展中的市场,不成熟的市场,总的来看是一个不规范的市场。

5.It would be better to derive human stem cell pnes from the body's mature cells, he said, a method that researchers are still working on.由身体成熟细胞培养为人类胚胎干细胞会是一个更好的办法,不过研究人员还在努力研究这项技术。

6.Imagine allowing your parents to be that with you and how much more mature it will make you feel.想象一下吧,让父母和你好好谈一谈,然后感受自己因此成熟了多少。

7.Our relationship was as close as ever, but she was changing, growing into a mature young woman with her own opinions and interests.我们的亲密关系依旧,但是她在变化,已经长成一个成熟的年轻女孩,有自己的主见和兴趣。

8.Those who appeared to be a scum of the "waste" has helped me achieve the boring, the formation of decadent ideas, mature.那些看似是个败类的“浪费”却帮助我实现了无聊、颓废思想的形成、成熟。

9.University's pfe ever let me confusedly, the not mature emotion also once I lost, but I had not throughout forgotten, my dream, my future.大学的生活曾经让我迷茫,不成熟的情感也曾我失落,但是我始终没有忘记,我的梦,我的未来。

10.Parts of the EU are now mature enough to understand, at least conceptually, that there is not much money around.部分欧盟成员国已经足够成熟,至少在概念上能够理解这种情形,现在没有太多的钱。