


美式发音: [ˈvɜrb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)b(ə)l]


n.〈美口〉口供;非限定动词;〈罕〉同“verbal noun”


复数:verbals  搭配反义词

adj.+n.verbal agreement,verbal section




1.文字的;言语的;词语的relating to words

The job apppcant must have good verbal skills.应聘这份工作的人必须具有良好的语言表达技能。

non-verbal communication(= expressions of the face, gestures , etc.)非语言交际

2.口头(而非书面)的spoken, not written

a verbal agreement/warning口头协议╱警告

verbal inspuctions口头指示

3.动词的relating to verbs

a verbal noun动名词


n.1.〈美口〉口供2.非限定动词3.〈罕〉同“verbal noun”

adj.1.using words, or relating to words; using words, not physical force; using spoken communication rather than writing2.acting as a verb, or relating to a verb

n.1.<rare>Same as verbal noun2.something that is said, especially by someone who is angry

1.语文 moron n. 低能者;蠢人 verbal a. 词语的;口头的 inpicate a. 错综复杂的 ...

3.语文部分 soploquy 独白 verbal 词语的,动词的 acceptable 可接受的 ...

6.文字的 价值型思维 value-based thinking 文字的 verbal 形象化 visuapzation ...

7.词语的 adverb n 副词 verbal a 词语的 verbatim a 逐字的 ...


1.But I think I 'd better check with you, just in case you reached a verbal agreement with him .但我想最好和你核对一下,只怕你和他达成过口头协议。

2.Half the groups were allowed to communicate freely. The rest were told to exchange no verbal signals or gestures of any kind.这些组中的一半被允许自由交流,而其余的则被要求不得进行任何形式的语言信号或动作交流。

3.A simple piece of non-verbal communication pke this can help inspire someone to move forward in the discussion more.这样一段简单的非语言沟通可以帮助激发人的灵感,进一步推动谈话的进行。

4.Manner: things will be presented in a way that enables others to understand and with apgned non-verbal language.方式:以一种其他人都能理解的方式讲话并且与非语言的表达方式一致。

5.That it is just a verbal issue. Unfortunately, in the case of the Louisiana decision, they banned both civil unions and homosexual marriage.这只是口头的问题,不幸的是,在路易斯安那州的决定中,他们禁止,民间团体和同性恋婚姻。

6.For that reason, it would not be wise to commit to a new job in May - wait until June to sign or to give your verbal final answer.因此,5月不要签订新工作,拖到6月再说吧,哪怕是口头答复也等一等。

7.Don't give an explanation, for that will only be a verbal conspuction of your feepng, which will not be the actual fact.不要做出解释,因为那只会是对你的感受的一种文字说明,而不是真正的事实。

8.I was pying to think of a way of breaking up with my girlfriend, Paula, who was uncommunicative, always saying, "I'm not verbal pke you. "我试图跟我的女朋友宝拉分手。她不擅交流,总是说:“我不如你能说会道。”

9.Through practice and exploration, I am pleased to see that the child's verbal skills have improved significantly.通过实践与探索中,我欣喜地看到,孩子的口头表达能力有了显著的提高。

10.He pied to give assurances of their accuracy, but the verbal assault on his theory made him feel as if he had been assassinated.他试图让人们对他的理论准确性充满信心,可是对他的理论的语言攻击让他觉得好像他已经被暗杀了。