

add R怎么读

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网络释义:通讯地址;地址寄存器(address register);地址字段




2.地址寄存器(address register) ... 48 ADL 声音延迟 49 ADDR 地址寄存器 50 CPU DT CPU 数据总线 ...

3.地址字段 ... unsigned char sll_pkttype;/* 地址长度 */ unsigned char sll_addr 物理地址 */ intmr_ifindex;/* 类型 */ ...

5.源地址 ... Result 0:成功更改 Source_Addr 源地址,此处为 Service_Id 业务标识,是数字、字母和符号 …

6.地址域3、地址域(ADDR):七位地址,代表了设备在主机上的地址,地址000 0000被命名为零地址,是任何一个设备第一次连接到 …

7.意外身故及残废保险金那三商这边的意外身故及残废保险金(ADDR) (保险金额1,000,000)伤害医疗保险金限额-无社保(AMRR) (保险金额30,000) 伤害 …


1.The domain is the portions of your IP address class, in reverse order, and then placed within the in-addr. arpa domain.域是IP地址的类部分(按相反顺序),然后放在in-addr.arpa域中。

2.The PIN will be sent to your corre ondence addr maintained at the bank.密码函将寄至您在我行登记的账单地址。

3.The web. xml file, shown in Listing 6, has one added pne referencing the cxf-extension-addr. xml configuration.xml文件,如清单6所示,添加了一行引用cxf-extension-addr.xml配置。

4.Once again, an ACE_INET_Addr object is created with the port number (the host name is not required: by default, it's the current host).同样,用端口号创建ACE_INET_Addr对象(不需要主机名:在默认情况下,它是当前主机)。

5.You also need an ACE_INET_Addr object for the cpent (unpke for TCP) specifying the port that will send and receive the datagrams.与TCP的情况不同,对于客户机还需要一个ACE_INET_Addr对象,它指定将发送和接收数据报的端口。

6.The new element "POBox" does not appear in the updated document because its parent element "addr" is deleted.新元素“POBox”不会出现在更新后的文档中,因为它的父元素“addr”被删除了。

7.A rename example is shown in Update 7, which renames the "addr" element to "address. "更新7给出一个重命名示例,它把“addr”元素重命名为“address”。

8.A device for which at least the BD_ADDR is stored.指至少存储了蓝牙设备地址的设备。

9.The simplest is purify_watch(addr), which sets a read-write watch point on four bytes starting at the given address.最简单的是purify_watch(addr),它在特定地址的四个字节上设置了一个读取-写入观察点。

10.Please use the exercise from Lab #2 in the downloads to write and execute a simple Perl program to update PR_ADDR_BOOK table.下面让我们从下载一节中实验2的练习开始,编写并执行一个简单的Perl程序来更新PR_ADDR_BOOK表。