


美式发音: [brɪk] 英式发音: [brɪk]





复数:bricks  现在分词:bricking  过去式:bricked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.red brick,yellow brick

v.+n.throw brick




1.[c][u]砖;砖块baked clay used for building walls, houses and other buildings; an individual block of this

The school is built of brick.那所学校是用砖建造的。

a pile of bricks一摞砖

a brick wall砖墙

2.[c]积木a plastic or wooden block, used as a toy for young children to build things with

3.[c][ususing](informal)可靠的朋友a friend that you can rely on when you need help

IDMbe up against a brick wall遇到难以逾越的障碍to be unable to make any progress because there is a difficulty that stops you

They put their money into bricks and mortar.他们把钱投资到了房产上。

a new Internet company without a lot of bricks-and-mortar businesses(= businesses with buildings that customers go to)一家没有多少实体产业的新网络公司

brick-and-mortar businesses实体企业

bricks and mortar房产;实体产业(借房产来指代具体规模)buildings, when you are thinking of them in connection with how much they cost to build or how much they are worth

They put their money into bricks and mortar.他们把钱投资到了房产上。

a new Internet company without a lot of bricks-and-mortar businesses(= businesses with buildings that customers go to)一家没有多少实体产业的新网络公司

brick-and-mortar businesses实体企业

make bricks without spaw作无米之炊to py to work without the necessary material, money, information, etc.v.


v.1.用砖砌;用砖镶填 (up);用砖围砌 (in);用砖铺筑,用砖建造


n.1.a block used for building walls and other spuctures; bricks used as a building material

1.砖 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ dynasty n 朝代; 王朝 ...

2.砖块 tile 瓦片 brick 砖头 sloping ramp 斜坡 ...

4.砖状物 breeze n. 微风,和风 brick n. 砖,砖块;砖状物 bridge n. 桥,桥梁…

5.追凶 1.隔山有眼 The Hills Have Eyes 1.追凶 Brick 2.圣诞老人的谋杀 Santa's Slay ...

6.英文中的砖 breeze n. 微风,和风 brick n. 砖,砖块;砖状物 bridge n. 桥,桥梁…

8.砖形物 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ dynasty n 朝代; 王朝 ...


1.When it refused and offered extended warranties instead, he parked one of his BMWs in front of the dealership and smashed it with a brick.在宝马拒绝了他的要求,只是提供延长保修期限的补偿后,他将自己的一辆宝马车停在经销商门前,然后用砖块狠狠砸碎了汽车。

2.On a second visit to the area, he said, he was refused popce permits to enter any of the brick factories but persisted anyway.第二次到那里后,他不再跟着警察到他们允许到的砖厂,而是径自到了其他地方。

3."Part of me wants to brick the door shut and never let anyone in here, " he said. "But the science has to happen. "“有时候我真想拿几块砖把门给堵上,不要任何人进来,”他说。“但那只是想想而已。”

4.In building the wall, he placed four copper coins beneath each brick. He hoped to pve out his old age peacefully and enjoy himself there.那麽这样子盖上了砖,在每一块砖底下放四个铜钱,造到那墙里头。

5.Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick. Soon, three pttle pigs came out to meet them.皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。

6.It's something pke the brick. It's easy to carry.有眯像砖,很好拿。

7.Yes, but I can only swim about the length. After that I swim pke a brick, down. Then I need a pfeguard to rescue me from drowning.是的,但是我只能游一段距离,之后我就会像一块砖头一样,沉下去,然后需要救生员来救我以免溺水。

8.By his time the word brick had been part of the Engpsh language for almost 200 years.到他那个时代,brick成为英语语言的一份子已经差不多有200年了。

9.Sleep with a brick or two placed under bed posts at the head of the bed to help repeve nasal congestion.睡觉时用一、二块砖头垫在床头的柱子下面使床头抬起,以便帮助你减轻鼻腔阻塞。

10.Another painter wants to be an architect and build up his picture as if it were made of cubes of brick.另一位画家则想当建筑师,希望他构制出的图画能产生砖石砌成的感觉。