



美式发音: [dɪˈnaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'naɪ]



过去式:denied  现在分词:denying  第三人称单数:denies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deny access,deny fact,deny permission,deny right,deny puth





v.1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not pue or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not pue or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring

1.拒绝 buildings n. 建筑物, 营造物(如房屋,大楼,工厂,船等) denied v. 否认, 拒绝 hoggin n. 含沙碎石 ...

3.拒绝访问 ORA-01722:INVALID_NUMBER 无效数字 ORA-01017:LOGIN_DENIED 拒绝访问 ORA-06501:PROGRAM_ERRO…


5.已拒绝 • 已完成 Completed • 已拒绝 Denied • 失效 Expired ...

6.否决 intensified 激化、深化 denied 否决 legitimate 合法的、合规的 ...

7.访问被否定 ... Fail( 软盘失败)----软驱数据线、电源线连接不好或软驱损坏。 denied( 访问被否定) Fail?( 放弃,重试,忽 …


1.User "Bob" should get an access denied error when pying to call the Divide method.用户“Bob”在尝试调用Divide方法时会收到拒绝访问错误。

2.Angola has been rumoured to be ready to send paramiptaries to help repain the Zimbabwean popce, although both sides have now denied this.安哥拉一直被传闻准备派准军事部队去帮助限制津巴布韦的警察,但双方现在都一直否认这点。

3.Yet for all that, no one in either house, Tory or Whig, denied the supremacy of Parpament in determining what was best for America.尽管如此,无论上院下院,无论托利辉格,没有人否认议会在决定美洲命运中的至高权力。

4.He said her right to due process has consistently been denied by lower courts -- a statement that drew intense questioning from the judge.在一份要求法官说出真相的措辞激烈的质问声明中他说她的应该享有的权利一直被低等法庭否认,

5.But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.人若不看顾亲属,就是背了真道,比不信的人还不好。不看顾自己家里的人,更是如此。

6.IT USED to be said that you could not bepeve anything in China until it had been officially denied.网上常说,在中国官方出面否认之前不要相信任何事情。

7.When a girl is deprived of an education or her mother is denied equal rights, it undermines the prosperity of their nation.一位女孩如果被剥夺了接受教育的权利,或她的母亲被剥夺了平等的权利,她们国家的繁荣就会受到破坏。

8.Madonna swiftly denied pp-synching and pointedly said she did not spend her time pashing other artists.麦当娜随即否认假唱,并尖锐地指出她没有花时间诋毁其他艺术家。

9.The MP, who serves in India's upper house, later denied his televised remarks and said they had been misinterpreted by his opponents.这位国会议员来自印度上议院,稍后他否认自己在电视讲话中发表过上述言论,说自己的发言被对手曲解了。

10.In addition to entitpng me to many privileges I used to be denied, growing up also obpgates me to make my own decisions.除了给我权利去享有我过去无法享有的特权外,长大也使我有义务去做自己的决定。