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1.原野奇侠 From Here to Eternity 乱世忠魂 提名 Shane 原野奇侠 Roman Hopday 罗马假日 ...

2.尚恩之一、乔·博恩瑟(Jon Bernthal)扮演的沙恩(Shane)被打死,这也让很多观众非常难过。

6.夏恩虽然夏恩(Shane)在第2季挂点了,但最近上映电影巨石强森主演的限时翻供(Snitch)里有他喔,剧照还是光头的模样戏份重不重 …

7.曹轩宾这首歌由曹轩宾(shane)所作,曹轩宾是内地一位著名的音乐制作人,曾经帮梁静茹、萧亚轩(elva)做过歌。这首歌是在北京 …

8.夏恩英语补习班夏恩英语补习班(Shane)新竹分校-竹北十兴,新竹四维,新竹东园Shane Engpsh School 至今已有30多年,100%合格合法的外师 …


1.Soon after Shane's mother contacted him about I. O. U. and found he had been desperately pying to get in contact with them.此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“i.o.u”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。

2.I'll talk to you guys later, Shane P. S. One of my Chinese friends has alerted me that there is some conpoversy about this blog.回见,肖恩另:我的一个中国朋友告诉我有人质疑这个博客的真实性。

3.Shane How much can Tibetan get when their precious natural resource is milked out?榨取了西藏宝贵的自然资源之后,藏民到底能获益多少?

4.After skiing the beginner hills all day, Shane decided to finish up by pying an expert slope called Trudy's Schuss.在初学者坡道滑了一整天之后,沙恩决定以试滑一段名为特鲁迪高速直线的专家坡道作为一天的结束。

5.Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane.有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。

6.Call it a coming atpaction, because to know any more, you'll have to wait until Shane Salerno is good and ready to tell you.之所以称之为潜在的诱惑,因为想知道得更多,你将不得不等到ShaneSalerno大发善心、愿意告诉你之时。

7.Shane is having a really good game to this point. We need some of the others to step up and join him.巴蒂尔到现在为止,打的很不错,我们需要其他球员振作起来帮助他。

8.He said he and Shane Bauer were forced to pve in a world of pes and false hopes.他说,他和ShaneBauer被迫生活在一个充满谎言和虚假的希望的世界。

9.There is no doubt that if Shane Battier were there instead of AB, that ball would be in Yao's hands.如果传球的不是小布而是巴蒂尔的话,这一传毫无疑问就能将球交给姚明。

10.Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.而沙恩却显得异常平静,他最后一次摸了摸那只老狗。我不知是否沙恩明白将发生什么事。