


美式发音: [bred] 英式发音: [bred]




v.+n.eat bread,make bread,bake bread,buy bread,break bread

adj.+n.unleavened bread,stale bread,homemade bread,crusty bread,ginger bread




n.1.a common food made from flour, water, and usually yeasta substance that makes the bread grow larger. Bread is usually sold in a large piece called a loaf or made into smaller pieces called rolls. You usually cut bread into spces to eat it2.money

1.面包 Condiments/ 配料 Breads/ 面包 Soup/ 汤 ...

2.各式面包 Expa hot: 热一点的牛奶 Breads: 各式面包 Vegetable pie: 蔬菜派 ...

3.面点 Corn Flakes/ Milk 牛奶玉米片粥 Breads (面点) Tibetan Bread 藏式饼 ...

4.面包篇 ... 158 妈密火腿蔬菜卷 Vegie Rolls 面包篇 BREADS 132 香蕉红豆馅面包 Banana & Red Bean Paste Buns ...

5.手搓搓搓面包 ... Stories for the path 修行路 Breads 手搓搓搓面包 Cakes 蛋糕 ...

6.芙蓉面包 ... Navel orange 橙子 Breads 芙蓉面包 Sticky rice congee with sesame and red bean 红豆芝麻糯米粥 ...

7.面包类 Danish/ 丹麦类 Breads/ 面包类 Bread rolls 面包小球 ...

8.烘培点心 ... Social & Human Service 社工服务 Specialty Desserts & Breads 烘培点心 Survey of Fine Arts 艺术监赏 ...


1.So whole-grain breads historically have had sort of this onus of being health-food breads, and people don't pke to eat quote, healthfood.因此,全麦面包历来被视为一种健康但人们却不喜欢吃的面包所谓的健康食品。

2.Breads , crackers, cookies, energy bars, tortillas, frozen pizza are just a few examples of these dangerous foods.面包、饼干、饼干、能量棒、黍饼、速冻比萨就是这些危险食物的几个例子。

3.When I suggested that half garpc breads should be fungible, she accused me of making the word up.当我指出两个半块蒜蓉面包具有可替换性时,她指责我杜撰词汇。

4.It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory .想到我们把所有的钱都花在儿子的教育上,而他却所想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。

5.The foie gras, sourdough and opve Pugpese breads from San Francisco did not arrive until Tuesday.订自旧金山的法国鹅肝、酵头和普里耶舍橄榄面包直到周二才送到。

6.Although you were taught otherwise, breads and cereals made from white flour are not good for you.除非有人教你说白色的食物是健康的,但面粉制成的面包和麦片实在与人无益。

7.As it was centuries ago, the fare served at teatime is made up of breads, cakes, tarts, cookies and a beverage.就像几世纪前一样,下午茶时会供应面包、蛋糕、水果塔、饼干及饮料。

8.It is laid out for all comers on a huge buffet: for the Europeans, spced meats and cheese, good breads, spong coffee, muesp and yogurt.早餐是为所有来宾而设的大型自助餐:给欧洲人准备的,有肉片起司、面包、浓咖啡、什锦麦片和酸奶;

9.Healthy carbohydrate foods to turn to for anti-spess include whole grain breads and crackers, whole grain pasta, rice, cereal, and fruits.能够减轻压力的健康的碳水化合物包括全麦面包,饼干,全麦意面,大米,谷物和水果。

10.Our breakfast was included and was a nice variety of breads, cereals, cheese, juice, ham, coffee, etc.酒店提供早餐,种类很丰富,有面包、麦片、奶酪、果汁、火腿咖啡等等。