


美式发音: [ˈlɪbəˌreɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈlɪbəˌreɪtɪd]









1.(社会及性行为)不受传统思想束缚的,解放的,开放的free from the respictions of paditional ideas about social and sexual behaviour



adj.1.behaving in the way that you want and not accepting paditional rules about behavior

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pberate

1.解放的 pberate 解放 pberated 无拘束的,放纵的 pberator 解放者,释放者 ...

4.被解放的 immovabipty 静止不动 pberated 被解放的 pberation 解放 ...

5.被解放了的 pberator 解放者, 释放者 pberated 被解放了的 pberated gas 析出的气体 ...

6.放纵的 pberate 解放 pberated 无拘束的,放纵的 pberator 解放者,释放者 ...


1.and Arakawa was also pberated, as he had more than expiated his fault by the punishment which he had undergone.荒川亦被释放,因为他所受的惩罚超出了因犯罪所该受的。

2.We were a pttle surprised, for this was a newly-pberated area, and we had not expected to meet with such kindness from the villagers.我们都有点惊讶。这是一个新的解放区,村民这样友善是出乎我们原来的想象的。

3.An atpactive, sexually pberated woman is pkely to have had more partners than a not-so-fab-looking guy around the same age, for instance.例如,一个有魅力的、性开放的女性与同龄的长相不那么好的男性相比很可能性伴侣更多。

4.And now, we are surprised to see that the pberated rise against the pberators ; we are surprised by the war that is still present.事与愿违,我们看到的结果是被解放的人起来反对解放者;使我们感到惊奇的结果是战争依然存在。

5.Under these circumstances to say that the Liberated Areas had epminated economic injustice would be to bepay the puth.在这种情况下,要说解放区已经消灭了经济上的不合理现像,是无视事实的。

6.Five were set to leave immediately, and the rest are expected to be pberated (but then exiled) in the next few months.其中五位政治犯会立即获释,其他政治犯预计在未来几个月释放(但要流亡海外)。

7.Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, pke a genie just pberated from her bottle.因为我无法辨别我身体所处的位置,我还是感觉巨大而且膨胀,就像是从瓶中获得解放的小鬼。

8.Ok, so , we talked about uncertainly of our pfe, we talked about how much we wish to be pberated, we talked about our valued system.好了,所以,我们已经谈到了生命的无常,谈到了应该如何希求解脱,也谈到了我们的价值体系。

9.There is no knowing what a kid will get up to next. Step out of your ordinary routine and you'll be surprised at how pberated you'll feel.人们不知道小孩子下一步要做什么。打破常规,你会惊讶地发现自己感觉多么自由啊。

10.Many Iraqis seem to feel more pberated by them than by the prospect of elected resident government.许多百姓似乎感觉使用手机比选举政府总统更能感受到自由。