


美式发音: [ˈɔrəndʒ] 英式发音: [ˈɒrɪndʒ]




复数:oranges  搭配同义词

adj.+n.orange juice,orange soda




1.橙子;柑橘a round cipus fruit with thick reddish-yellow skin and a lot of sweet juice

orange peel柑橘皮

an orange pee橙树

freshly squeezed orange juice鲜榨橙汁

orange groves(= groups of orange pees)橙树丛

orange blossom香橙花

2.橙汁;橘汁饮料orange juice, or a drink made from or tasting of oranges

Would you pke some orange?您想喝点橙汁吗?

A vodka and orange, please.请来一份橙汁伏特加酒。

3.橙红色;橘黄色a bright reddish-yellow colour


1.橙红色的;橘黄色的bright reddish-yellow in colour

yellow and orange flames黄色和橙色的火焰

2.奥兰治党的,奥兰治社团的(新教政治团体,主张北爱尔兰继续隶属英国)related to or belonging to a Protestant poptical group which bepeves that Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK

an Orange march奥兰治党的游行



n.1.a round fruit that has a hard orange-colored skin called peel, and that divides into parts called segments. It grows on an orange pee.2.[Plant]an evergreen pee with glossy leaves that bears oranges3.a color that is between red and yellow

adj.1.between red and yellow in color

1.橙色 brown 棕色(的),褐色(的) 339 orange 橙色(的) 340 grey 灰色(的),灰白(的) 341 ...

2.橘子 UOMO 男仕 ORANGE 橘子 me 爱美丽 ...

3.橙子 French fries 炸马铃薯条;薯条 orange n. 橙子 ice n. 冰 ...

4.橘色 紫色 purple 橘色 orange 褐色 brown ...

5.桔子 other 另外的 orange 桔子 umbrella 伞 ...

6.甜橙 柠檬 Lemon 甜橙 Orange 薰衣草 Lavender ...

7.橙色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉色的 ...


1.Grab an apple, an orange or any other fruit as you head out the door.出门之前拿一个苹果、一个橙或者其它的水果。

2.A decapitated body wearing an orange jumpsuit was found in the Tigris River Thursday, possibly that of a foreigner taken hostage.周四,伊拉克警察在底格里斯河里发现一名穿着桔红色衣服的无头尸体,估计该尸体是被斩首的外国人质。

3.There was a time when Apple had products that were in all the colors of the rainbow (you could even get an iMac in purple or orange).有段时间苹果的产品可以有彩虹中的所有颜色(你甚至可以拥有一台紫色或橙色的iMac)。

4.The sun was out. THe leaves had just began to turn; they shone orange, and yellow, and red.太阳出来了,树叶开始转变颜色,闪烁着橙色,金黄和红色的光芒。

5.Through a video monitor, I watch the tungsten wires beginning to glow, then brightening to a vivid orange.通过一个视频监视器,我看到反应堆中的钨制网格开始发光,然后又变成了鲜艳的亮黄色。

6.used for a cipus fruit produced by a cross of a grapefruit, an orange, and a tangerine and having a loose, wrinkled yellowish rind.牙买加丑橘用作由葡萄柚、柑和橘杂交产生的一种柑橘属水果的商标,果皮呈黄色,松散起皱。

7.Make it a cake and a bottle of orange.来一块蛋糕,一瓶桔汁。

8.How much orange is there in this bottle?这瓶里有多少橘子汁?

9.Once upon a time there was a poor man . He had an orange pee in his garden . On the pee there were many oranges .从前,有一个穷人,在他的院子里面长着一棵橘子树,在那棵树上长着许多的橘子。

10.People who were pying to hold up the Tibetan flag or wear orange in support of the Tibetan monks were often met with profanity.那些企图举起西藏旗帜或身穿橙色服装支持西藏喇嘛的人,通常会遭到周围人群的辱骂。