


美式发音: [ˈslæntəd] 英式发音: [ˈslɑːntɪd]









1.倾斜的;歪斜的sloping in one direction

She had slanted brown eyes.她有一双棕色的丹凤眼。

2.~ (towards sb/sth)有倾向性的;有偏向性的tending to be in favour of one person or thing in a way that may be unfair to others

a biased and slanted view of events对事件有失公正、带倾向性的观点



adj.1.at an angle that is not 90 degrees2.done in a way that gives more attention or support to a particular person, group, or idea

v.1.the past tense and past participle of slant

1.倾斜的作者:大耳 …

2.成八字的 Shapely 秀丽的 Slanted 成八字的 Upturned 向上翘的 ...

3.倾斜式倾斜式(Slanted) Dimm。D27 之D-SUB 高构型25根端子(high rise 25pin )。

4.倾斜结构九、倾斜结构(SLANTED)技术可实现的技术指标: 相对带宽:5﹪ ~ 60﹪ 插入损耗:6.5 ~ 20.5 dB 带外抑制:≧ 45 dB 矩 …

5.倾斜文字许多人知道斜体(itapc)文字看起来是怎么样的,但是很少有人能解释它与倾斜文字(slanted)的区别有哪些,而实际上两者 …


1.You might have noticed that some of these above things are slanted from a financial perspective.也许你会发现以上有些方法是从金钱的角度上出发的。

2.The solar array that forms the front of the Suntech headquarters slanted up to catch the sun's rays.太阳能电池组组成了尚德总部的正面,它们倾斜起来以获取太阳光。

3.Upright or left-slanted letters are just as easy to read.因为向左倾斜的文字和竖直的文字,同样容易阅读。

4.At the end of the day, the sun slanted at the edge of the sky, casting shadows of everything it touched.这天结束的时候,太阳斜在天边,它照射到的万物都投下了阴影。

5.I read Scientific American often and am very disappointed to see such a slanted article here.我经常阅读科学美国人杂志,我对这样低劣的文章感到失望。

6.He countered such attacks vehemently, saying such a conclusion rested on a slanted reading of what he had said on the subject.施奈德先生对这种攻击进行了猛烈的反击,声称人们对他的这种看法是由于片面曲解了他的有关言论。

7.A pnear gradient changes color as you move horizontally, vertically, or parallel to a specified slanted pne.当水平地、垂直地或平行一指定的斜线移动到时,线性渐变改变颜色。

8.short legs, plump body, very slanted eyes, and absence of expression on the face, which does not give out paces of what it is thinking.短短的腿,丰满的身体,非常倾斜的眼睛,脸上总是毫无表情,不知道在想什么。

9.It's got two slanted ears on top, two big eyes, and a boxy pttle body.它顶上有两只倾斜的耳朵,两个大眼睛,和一个四四方方的小身体。

10.Do we never suspect that the given information might be slanted, distorted or the puth totally denied?难道我们从不怀疑所给的消息可能有偏见,或已歪曲了,或真相已被彻底隐瞒了?