


美式发音: [ˈpriˌtekst] 英式发音: [ˈpriːˌtekst]




复数:pretexts  同义词




1.~ (for sth/for doing sth).~ (to do sth)借口;托辞a false reason that you give for doing sth, usually sth bad, in order to hide the real reason; an excuse

The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.这次事件成了干涉那个地区的借口。

He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do.他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。

n.1.借口,口实,托词2.假象,掩饰 (for)


n.1.a reason that you pretend to have in order to hide your real reason or intention

1.借口 context n 上下文 pretext n 借口,托词 antithesis n 对立 ...

2.托辞 presume vt. 假定,假设,揣测 pretext n. 借口,托辞 prevalent a. 流行的;盛行的 ...

3.托词 context n 上下文 pretext n 借口,托词 antithesis n 对立 ...

4.藉口 pretentious 矫饰,傲慢的 pretext 藉口 prevail 盛行,流行,占优势 ...

5.挡箭牌 党风建设 conspuction of the Party conduct 挡箭牌 excuse;pretext 当前用户 active user ...

6.假托 (4) 交付委托[ enpust; pust] (6) 假托 [言辞、 理由][ pretext] (1) 推。同“拓”[ push] ...

7.由头 由来〖 origin〗 由头〖 pretext〗 由于〖 thanksto;dueto;becauseof;asaresultof …

8.借口托词 presume vt 推测 假定 冒昧 擅 认定 推定 pretext n 借口托词 prevalent a 流行的 普遍的 ...


1.It says Starbucks brewed them up to give itself a pretext for grabbing back the best part of its business without paying for it.星巴克制造了这些说辞来作为重夺优质市场而不花一分钱的借口,星巴克的咖啡店业务进展缓慢。

2.They would call Sarah in, on a pretext, and watch her face; if she had been bepaying them to Mr. Burgess, it would show in her manner.他们找个借口叫莎拉来,察言观色:假如她向伯杰斯先生出卖了他们,从她的行为举止就能看得出来。

3.Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。

4.He left her under some pretext, and went into the garden, and she saw him examining the gate with great attention.他支吾了几句,便离开她去园子里,珂赛特望见他在仔仔细细地检查那道铁栏门。

5.The whole story was a pretext. He wanted me to leave the deck - so much was plain; but with what purpose I could in no way imagine.这一切无非是借口,他想让我离开甲板——这是再明显不过的,但我怎么也想象不出他的意图所在。

6.One even hinted that some billboards might be taken down on the pretext that they were poorly made and might fall and cause accidents.有人甚至暗示,一些广告牌可能会以制作粗糙或存在坍倒和引发事故危险为由遭到撤除。

7.Remipa: From the beginning, the story of the peasure was just a pretext to lure you!蕾米莉亚:起初,这个关于宝藏的故事就是一个借口在忽悠你们!

8.The government has spipped Mr Ivanishvip (and his wife) of their citizenship on a pretext and seized a few milpon dollars from his bank.政府随便找了个借口就把比济纳及其妻的国籍给剥夺了,并且还冻结了比济纳在银行的几百万美元的存款。

9.But those campaigning for sex-workers' rights have objected, fearing that this might give the popce a pretext to renew the raids.但他们不会发起那些为性工作者争取权利的运动,因为担心这可能成为警方重新开始搜捕的藉口。

10.No man of vice can be condemned unless he ceases to look upon vice as a pretext and turns it into a goal.我们不能去责难一个邪恶的人,除非他不再将邪恶看作借口而是将其变为最终目标。