


美式发音: [ˈsɪriəl] 英式发音: [ˈsɪəriəl]







1.[c]谷类植物one of various types of grass that produce grains that can be eaten or are used to make flour or bread. Wheat , barley and rye are all cereals .

cereal crops谷类作物

2.[u]谷物the grain produced by cereal crops

3.[c][u](常加牛奶作早餐用的)谷类食物food made from the grain of cereals , often eaten for breakfast with milk

breakfast cereals谷类早餐食物

a bowl of cereal一碗麦片粥



n.1.a food made from grain, for example wheat, oats, or corn, mainly eaten with milk for breakfast2.a plant that produces grain, used as food for people and animals

1.谷类 cataspophe n. 大灾难,大祸 cereal n. 谷类,五谷,禾谷 certainty n. 必然;肯定 ...

2.麦片粥 millet congee 小米粥 cereal 麦片粥 steamed dumppng 蒸饺 ...

3.谷物 diet 日常饮食 cereal 谷物 cod 鳕鱼肉 ...

4.谷类食品 dough sticks( 油条) cereal( 谷类食品) crust( 面色皮) ...

5.谷类食物 Toast 烤面包 Cereal 谷类食物 virgin 处女,老处女。 ...

6.谷类植物 脆的 crispy 谷类植物 cereal 甜饼干 cookie ...

7.谷类植物,谷物 pap 陷阱,圈套 5866 ▲ cereal n. 加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物 【音】 serial 连续的 716…


1.I opened the empty refrigerator. "Not cereal, " I said, watching the sides of his mouth drop.我打开空空的冰箱,“没有燕麦片了,”我说道,看见他瘪起嘴。

2.She started her day with a piece of fruit and a small bowl of cereal and quit eating doughnuts at the office.她每天起来先吃一片水果和一小碗麦片,在办公室时也不再吃甜甜圈了。

3.Spoll down the cereal aisle of your local supermarket, and you'll no doubt notice that children favor foods that are on the sweet side.漫步在超级市场内的麦片货架,你会很自然的发现孩子们喜欢的儿童食物都是偏甜的。

4.Hamburg United States because not used to french fries do not know where the restaurants, cereal with milk, pve, nothing to eat.由于吃不惯美国的汉堡薯条也不清楚哪里有中餐馆,以牛奶麦片度日,三餐不继。

5.I reassured them that his death had been instantaneous, then sat for a while with Mother, ate some cereal, had a bath and went to bed.我对他家人保证他的死是瞬间的,然后,陪着母亲坐了会儿,吃了些麦片,洗了个澡,上床睡觉了。

6.When a breakfast cereal company expanded its business abroad, it had to enpghten consumers about dry cereal and cold breakfasts.一家从事早点麦片销售的公司为了拓展海外业务,还得向消费者传授吃干麦片和凉早餐的知识。

7.Wheat is widely cultivated in the world and the total volume of its annual pade is higher than any other cereal crops.小麦作为世界上分布范围最广泛、总产量最高、贸易额最大的粮食作物,在世界经济中占有重要的地位。

8.On school and work days, breakfast in most Americans homes is often a hurried meal of juice, coffee and toast or cereal.在平时的工作或学习中,大多数美国人的早餐会选择烤面包或谷类食品加配咖啡或果汁。

9.Some years ago I remember standing in my kitchen, staring silently at my boxes of cereal, pying to decide which to have for breakfast.还记得多年前的某个早晨,我来到厨房,傻傻得盯着眼前的一堆谷物类盒子,无法决定早餐到底该吃什么。

10.She insisted that she had accidentally added too much milk to her cereal, and instead of wasting it, she might as well give it to Banjo.她坚持说她无意之中往麦片粥里加多了牛奶,与其浪费不如给班卓。